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  1. #1

    Default I just need help to get started dual-boxing 2 chars


    I really wanna learn how to multibox 2 chars at the same time, wounder if anyone cud help me with all these macros and stuff. i would be very happy if anyone cud help me :P

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    In a van, down by the river.
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    Just getting started myself, But I can explain what I have done.

    Running two instances of WOW on one PC , I am using Keyclone. So easy to set up, worth every penny man.

    Next, On my main, I will have for example this macro.

    /Invite (character name)
    This simply invites your second character, and FFA sets loot to FFA

    on the second tune, I have

    /follow (character name)

    Follow makes him follow your main,

    assist, assists your main.

    Now you can get tricky with it, but that's later on down the road.

    I then put that Macro on the 1 slot for every slave.

    FOr two, I put the main attack , spell, etc.

    Then when I hit 2 for example, it will use everypersons 2 in the bar.

    I'm sure as I go past twenty,I'll ad more difficult macros to the bar, But that should get you started.

    "You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the
    point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth
    - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin
    Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

  3. #3



    It's pretty simple. Suggest you go over to the forum section for new multiboxers and also check out the wiki. There are lots of us around, we can be a lot more helpful with specific questions and issues that you encounter on your journey.

    Sojolly -- mutiboxing for 10 years

  4. #4


    But to get the real Keyclone u gotta pay money, right?

  5. #5


    I started Dual boxing not so long ago. Read through the forums and watch the videos, everything you need is there.

    However to anwer you heres what i used. Beware its very simple lol!

    1. get Keyclone. It isnt that expensive and is probably the cheapest part of multiboxing, The customer service is outstanding should you have any problems.

    2.Watch the videos on how to set it up. i found one on youtube that just had the Keyclone setup on it.

    3. Install Multiboxer addon. this saves you the hassle of making /accept macro for resses , party ect ect. plus it has some other nice features in it to make life easier.

    4. Macros. This is where i get real simple, all i used was

    /target charactername


    and /assist charactername.

    The follow macro is to make sure your second character is always following. the assist macro will make your second character target what ever your main character is targeting.

    5. read all the info and watch all the videos on here.

    This should get you started with simple leveling and mob killing.

    I know there is alot more to multiboxing than this but it will get you started with simple stuff. :thumbsup:

  6. #6


    But to get the real Keyclone u gotta pay money, right?
    Don't want to pay money? - Perhaps have a look at hotkeynet , its currently free.
    Guides can be found on the hotkeynet-website or on the software-forum: [HotKeyNet] Guide: HowTo use HotKeyNet for boxing

    If you need any help setting hotkeynet up, simple post here, or send a pm.
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  7. #7


    Thanks, but i'm a little bit of a retard and dosent understand all these things to type i wud be pleased if i can have ur Msn instead

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    With two toons, you probably have a main which can be anything you enjoy playing, along with a good support alt.
    For the support toons, ranged or caster is easier then a melee, but melee can work if you realize they are a bit of extra work.

    If you're sure you will be two-boxing (two pc's or two accounts on one pc) and not going to go further then that, set up is easy.
    Let's say your main is some kind of a tank, your alt is some kind of a dps/healer hybrid.
    In this case, the alt needs a few macro's where they assist the main and deal damage, preferably break their dps moves down and match up with the mains moves that have the same cast time or cooldowns.
    Also have a few heals set which heal the alt specifically and which heal the main specifically.
    Then you match up abilities with shared cooldowns and set it up so a keystroke (keybind) does something on both screens.

    If the alt will be doing some dps but will need to heal too, you might use /castsequence reset=combat !Dot. The ! key says to only cast it once, no matter how many times the macro is pushed.
    That way, your main can push their dps button a ton, and your alt will support with a Moonfire (as an example), but then be free to heal without casting dps spells when they want to be healing.

    I'd recommend setting up with either a focus or party leader system. The Focus free, Leader free, Target free system is better, but is a lot of work too.
    Focus or Party Leader systems are a lot easier to set up, especially if you're only two-boxing and might not go further.
    These systems allow either of your toons to be the leader, and with software such as keyclone (others too) you can set it up with picture in picture, so either toon can be the main.
    Your PIP switch keys, will also be warcraft switch macro's.

    If using focus, the key to bring toon A to the front (PIP) will also make them the focus on both characters. Similarly bringing B to the front PIP will make B both toons focuses.
    Both toons will use "/cast [target=focustarget] Ability Name", so either can lead. If you added another two boxes down the road, the system does not need adjustments aside from more leader switch macro's.

    If you using party leader, its slightly more complex in that your switch key promotes the new leader to leader. All toons have a promote key for each toon.
    The promote key for other accounts (ie, not themself) will "/script PromoteToLeader("Name of Toon")" and on line two, "/changeactionbar 1"
    Their own macro will read, "/changeactionbar 2".
    So with two toons, you have two switch keys. Each has the actionbar2 for their own switch key and each has actionbar1 and promote for the other toons hotkey.
    If you add a third toon, add another switch key which would be a version of the Promote/Actionbar 1, so each toon then has 1 of their own and 2 for switching leaders.
    Then you put abilities for each toon on bar 2 (Shift 2 in wow) without any form of assist.
    Put the same stuff in bar 1, ie Moonfire on key 3 in both bars, but on bar 1 use assists.... /cast [target=party1target] Moonfire" or line 1 "/assist [target=party1]" and line 2 "/cast Moonfire".
    When you lead, you're on bar 2 and don't assist since you're the leader.
    When you follow, you assist the leader. The first version will not target what you're casting at, but you still cast at the leader's target. The second version targets the leaders target and then casts at your (leader's too) target.
    This is a little more complex, but fairly easy still. The advantage is focus is free for your use.

    Both systems are in the wiki or forum searches in support forum will get a lot more details.

  9. #9


    If you like i could try to give you a working script.
    The informations i need to do so are:
    1. Folders to start WoW from
    2. Resolutions and positions of the two windows
    3. Do you want to have window-switching or pip (and when with what key)
    4. what keys do you want to broadcast ? (A-Z, 0-9 F1...)
    5. what key would you like to start the two wows
    6. Do you need mousebroadcasting (and if with what key as a modifier to activate it)
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  10. #10

    Default But....

    But... i'm hear to learn dual boxing and it seems to be pretty hard but there must be any easyier way, if i have anyone's Msn (one who can dual boxing). Bút the problem is i don't understand how the both chars do cast the same spell when i press the spell 8|

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