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  1. #1

    Default /castrandom command is broken?

    I think I've narrowed down the /castrandom issue I've been having. It happens in this macro:

    /castrandom Holy Shield, Shield of Righteousness, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Plea, Judgement of Light

    If I make a bar with all those abilities and watch it, during every fight one ability is picked and will never be triggered. There is a good few seconds of dead space where I'm hammering the button and all the other spells are on cooldown, but that one ability won't trigger, the whole fight. The next fight it'll do the same with another ability. Sometimes it'll leave out Shield of Righteousness, sometimes it won't cast the Judgement, sometimes (The most dangerous times) it refuses to cast Holy Shield.

    This is consistent, not a result of the random number generator as far as I can tell. We're talking a 0% chance for that specific spell to cast, it never fails. However, I did notice that if I take the Judgement of Light out, it works PERFECTLY. Does anyone know something special about Judgement of Light that ruins /castrandom sequences?

  2. #2


    My initial hit would be to check the spelling and to make sure you have a seal up. Are you using Macaroon? I prefer to set up a 30 second spell rotation and use a /castsequence, since castrandom sometimes gets buggy, especially if you have a lot of commands. One issue I've noticed is that if you have two instant cast spells that would go through at the same time, only one gets through and the other is skipped, as though the UI thinks you used it when you didn't and never got abck a message saying cooldown is up.

  3. #3


    I don't know exactly and its a simple guess, but have you tried to enter a comma (,) behind the last spell (here judgement of light) ?

  4. #4


    It is spelled correctly in the macro, because the judgement itself casts, although at random it is sometimes one of the spells that won't go off. I've recreated the macro many times, I am using macaroon but I have even tried making the macro in the default macro menu, same thing. The problem is not the seal, I keep that up with no problems. I have not tried with a comma at the end, I'll give that a try, but why would that fix it?

  5. #5


    I have not tried with a comma at the end, I'll give that a try, but why would that fix it?
    its just a guess, but it might be, that the castrandom only functions correctly, if there is an action that can be executed and 'hangs' or reacts 'funky' if at any time all possible actions are on cooldown. With adding a comma you add a 'nothing-command' at the end, which always will be executed.

    ..i came to this idea, because for me:

    /castrandom Multishot
    /castsequence .....

    wasnt working and

    /castrandom Multishot,
    /castsequence .....


  6. #6


    Used something similar cast random sequence I ended up doing some research and found a really good spell rotation 969696 thing
    founnd the info at


    this assume yer pulling with cap'n america style :P
    and starting off with a seal

    /castsequence reset=combat Holy Shield, Hammer of the Righteous, Judgement of Light,,Consecration, Hammer of the Righteous, Holy Shield,,Judgement of Light, Hammer of the Righteous, Consecration,

    once yeh get shield of righteousness add it between the 2 commas and at the end

    so far this has worked great for me

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'olipcs',index.php?page=Thread&postID=151952#post1 51952
    I have not tried with a comma at the end, I'll give that a try, but why would that fix it?
    its just a guess, but it might be, that the castrandom only functions correctly, if there is an action that can be executed and 'hangs' or reacts 'funky' if at any time all possible actions are on cooldown. With adding a comma you add a 'nothing-command' at the end, which always will be executed.

    ..i came to this idea, because for me:

    /castrandom Multishot
    /castsequence .....

    wasnt working and

    /castrandom Multishot,
    /castsequence .....

    This is pure gold baby - you just solved a lot of macro headaches for me :-)
    Classic - Pyrewood Village, Horde, EU

  8. #8


    hey thats novel make cents though
    since if it hits the second part it dosen't trigger a gcd

  9. #9


    I had the same probblem when i was using macaroons latest version. Switched to older version and it was solved. If you are using macaroon you might wanna check it.

  10. #10


    Anyone found a fix besides reverting to older version?

    Thank you
    10 Boxing - Grim Batol EU - Is Multiboxing
    Lvl 80 - Prot Paladin/Unholy DK/4 Elem Shaman
    /Shadow Priest//Fire Mage/Rest Shaman/Rest Druid

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