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  1. #1

    Default problems with lock seduce marco

    I am try to get my cc marco working for my team
    I am using druid, priest, 3xlock

    The plan is have 2 locks using the succubus to seduce and cc 2 mob, and have my team pound on the 3rd mod.

    I lead with my druid. I have him select the target and press the first marco. I have the Jamba addon and it show my lock has the target setup as focus, however, my pet will not cast the seduction spell on the focus.

    I am using 2 macro to do this

    1st is the focus marco

    /focus [target=toon1target,mod:ctrl]

    2nd is the seduce marco
    /cast [pet:succubs,target=focus,harm,mod:ctrl] seduction

    I try modifing the marco for the mage sheep spell in wiki and it did not work either.

  2. #2


    why is there a "mod:ctrl" in the seduce macro?

  3. #3


    so that I can us 2 cc.

    use "ctrl" to setup my 1st lock focus and use to cast the seduction

    use "alt" to setup my 2nd lock foucs and use to cast the 2nd seduction on a differnt mod.

  4. #4


    oh i understand. but why?

    you really only need the modifiers when you set your focus. do different focus for different warlocks. understood.

    but you can CC them with one button because they both have different foci.

    oh and add another seduction at the end.

    /cast [blah blah blah] seduction; seduction

  5. #5


    Forget what Jamba says, does your warlock actually have the mob focused when you press your macro? Enable the focus frame for that toon so you can see yourself.

    Second, I don't think target=toon1target is a valid target selector (and I assume toon1 is your lead toon's name in this example):

    /focus [target=toon1target,mod:ctrl]
    IIRC, the valid selectors are partyNtarget, partyNtargettarget,partyN,partyNfocus where N is the order they appear in your group window (check wowwikki macro page to be sure). Anyway, they aren't toon names. If you're using a toon's name I think you have to do something like this:

    /target toon1name
    Or if toon1 is always your party lead just do:

    /focus [target=party1target]

  6. #6


    I use the conduction modifer so I can cc using 1 button

    nomod for my druid intango roots
    shift for my priest shackle undead
    ctrl for my warlock seduction

  7. #7


    I got the focus button working and test it, when use it I am able to see the lock put the target I select from my main, but I still cannot get the seduction macro to work.

    /cast [pet:succubs,target=focus,harm] Seduction; Seduction

    the marco will only work if I am control the lock directly, but when I try to drive with my main toon(driud )it will said "unable to attack target"

  8. #8


    question... is the seduction macro on a hotkey for the warlock?

  9. #9


    yes both the focus and seduce marco is on my botton left actionbar, I keybind those 2 bottons to f1 and f2

  10. #10


    and you've tried it with F1 and F2 on the warlock... but it doesnt work when you press F1 and F2 when you're on the druid? is that correct?
    F1 and F2 naturally targets party members. ctrl-f1 is naturally used for pet commands i do believe. i suppose we look and see if there's a conflict of keybindings.

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