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  1. #1

    Default My first WAR whine thread ^^

    just thought id share my contribution to the boxing phenom. id feel like a failure as a boxer without some hate mail.

    PS, for those of you wondering about the legality of boxing in WAR.. its fine. ive been petitioned a dozen times already and spoken with 4 different CSR's, who all said its perfectly fine after i responded on each toon to prove i wasnt botting.

  2. #2


    There is a post there that says you are leveling your characters to sell. This is the thing I hate most people asking me in WoW if I'm leveling my characters to sell. It would fell like cutting off one of my arms and selling it to me.

  3. #3


    Are you seriously try to PvP in endgame with 3 BW? If the opposite team is organized well (focus (aoe) fire) do you have any chance to survive long enough? On random PvP encounters it might be well of course.
    I am asking cause I thought about trying with 2 BWs.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Barman',index.php?page=Thread&postID=130133#post1 30133
    Are you seriously try to PvP in endgame with 3 BW? If the opposite team is organized well (focus (aoe) fire) do you have any chance to survive long enough? On random PvP encounters it might be well of course.
    I am asking cause I thought about trying with 2 BWs.
    Sorcerers are going to enjoy nuking those BWs with their spell that does AoE around the target. Hope you have good spread out macros.
    The Orcks of War
    Shaman Borck Zorck Dorck Porck Corck
    Mixed Team - Msblonde - Mswhite - Msblack - Msred - Msbrown -

  5. #5


    Yes, I think so too. Thats why I made 2 different characters (tank + dd) just for leveling and having oppurtunities on lvl 40 when I play them solo probably.

  6. #6


    3 bright wizards and a rune priest. my runepriests name is slightly different from the three BW's, so the poster obviously wasnt aware he was part of the setup.. despite the fact that hes always with them and theyre clearly /following the runepriest. not the brightest kid. i can easily keep up with damage unless i cop an assist train or some pretty heavy focus fire.. but anyone dies in that case. 3 instacast AoE roots must get frustrating for melee trains trying to take me down. when i get my runepriests AoE snare/knockback in a couple levels it will be even nicer.

    and yes. ive been doing quite well in scenarios , sieges and world PvP. the problem with your scenario of sorceress AoEing me is that 1: they have to come within range of my bright wizards to do that.. and 2: AoE range is 20 yards shorter than DoT/Nuke range. melees are a much bigger problem than casters. sorcerers/witch elves and even healers die in one set of dots (unless they have a morale heal up).

  7. #7
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Congrats on pissing off the Great Unwashed. May you succeed beyond your wildest better revenge than success.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  8. #8



    will post some scenario videos soon. i have some great footage on my HDD but been having too much fun killing to put something together.

  9. #9


    I am curious to know how you run up the sieges? Some castles a really difficult to run up with the long follow distance :-) Moving the alts individually? If there are players defending the castle you might lose some seconds, arent you?
    What do you do if eg in the lava scenario (tier 3) your runepriest gets kicked in the lava? How to get your guys together again if the fight moves on to another place?

    Well at least knockbacks doesnt break follow and facing is no issue.

  10. #10


    Are you boxing with 3 computers or are you running 2 accounts (at least) on one computer? If you are running 2 accounts on one computer, what are you using for key passing? If it is HKN, can you post your script?

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