So I bought the Kavoom VM software which allows you to use one keyboard and one mouse between two PC's. It's identical to Synergy but without the mouse problems.

My Current Setup:

one 'main' PC running the 'main' version of keyclone, and one instance of wow that is my 'main' (X)

one 'alt' PC running the 'alt' version of keyclone, which connects to 'main', and it runs four alt instances of wow. (ABCD)

The problem is that when I move the mouse over to the other screen and other computer to start controlling A B C or D, the hotstrings I've setup get broadcasted as if they were coming from X.

If I remove the focus from the main wow window while controlling the alts, such as I'm doing now typing this, everything works fine. So I think the issue is that there are two focuses and the keypresses

aren't seen as coming from the second PC when the first instance is active. Will loading the VM software AFTER KeyClone solve this?


I threw a real keyboard on the 'alt' machine and if I use THAT keyboard with the alts instead of the main's it works okay too. (I can still use the shared mouse.) I think keystrokes from this keyboard

don't go through the VM software and are correctly being passed to the 'alt' version of keyclone and then to the 'main' thus the hotstrings are interpreted properly.


I also shut down the Kavoom VM software and reloaded it, so that it was effectively loaded after KeyClone and this seems to solve the problem.