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  1. #1

    Default Powerleveling/Boosting my two druids and two shaman in Stratholme

    Hi all.... my first video post here. Great community here... I love it!

    Sorry the quality isn't the best since it's youtube. You can click the "watch in high quality" link in the lower-right of the actual clip to get a bit more details.
    I used my wife's lv 70 mage to pull trains in Stratholme. She's got a mix of S2/S3 and S4 gear, so clothy tanking them wasn't bad at all. I'd have used my mage, but it was on the same account as the shaman.

    The two druids were boomkins and the two shaman were elemental. They were plenty enough to keep up with heals thanks to keyclone.
    Next time I'll post some of the Strat live side trains. Those were larger pulls were a lot of fun to aoe.

  2. #2


    How much XP (in %) did you get per clear and how long did it take to do a clear?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 'mickske',index.php?page=Thread&postID=113141#post 113141
    How much XP (in %) did you get per clear and how long did it take to do a clear?
    hmm... I think I recall it was nearly a level per clear. Since I was checking loot on bosses and occasionally on some mobs, it cut into my clear times. About 50 minutes for undead side and maybe 30 minutes for live. I didn't skip any bosses (in case decent blues dropped for upgrades).

    Ended up leveling 8 characters to lv 60 in two weeks of this type of dungeon clearing (about 2 to 3 hours a night on weeknights after I got home from work and a good portion of two Sundays. Between my wife and I, we leveled up 2 paladins, 1 rogue, 2 shamans, and 3 druids thanks to Recruit-A-Friend and Keyclone.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by 'ldjr',index.php?page=Thread&postID=113151#post113 151
    Quote Originally Posted by 'mickske',index.php?page=Thread&postID=113141#post 113141
    How much XP (in %) did you get per clear and how long did it take to do a clear?
    hmm... I think I recall it was nearly a level per clear. Since I was checking loot on bosses and occasionally on some mobs, it cut into my clear times. About 50 minutes for undead side and maybe 30 minutes for live. I didn't skip any bosses (in case decent blues dropped for upgrades).

    Ended up leveling 8 characters to lv 60 in two weeks of this type of dungeon clearing (about 2 to 3 hours a night on weeknights after I got home from work and a good portion of two Sundays. Between my wife and I, we leveled up 2 paladins, 1 rogue, 2 shamans, and 3 druids thanks to Recruit-A-Friend and Keyclone.
    I'm honestly so jealous of you. ;(
    Stormreaver(US) :thumbup:

  5. #5


    I tried boosting in Stratholme and on one of the undead side bosses, my booster got mind controlled and killed all 3 of my levelling guys. Twice. Did you not have that problem?
    Sethra Paladin Sethdoc Priest
    Sethaman Shaman Sethkin Boomkin Sethburn Mage

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Sethra',index.php?page=Thread&postID=114392#post1 14392
    I tried boosting in Stratholme and on one of the undead side bosses, my booster got mind controlled and killed all 3 of my levelling guys. Twice. Did you not have that problem?
    have the low level chars say back out of combat range while the level 70 kills the boss. she'll only mind control if more than one character gets into combat with her.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'hldn',index.php?page=Thread&postID=114417#post114 417
    Quote Originally Posted by 'Sethra',index.php?page=Thread&postID=114392#post1 14392
    I tried boosting in Stratholme and on one of the undead side bosses, my booster got mind controlled and killed all 3 of my levelling guys. Twice. Did you not have that problem?
    have the low level chars say back out of combat range while the level 70 kills the boss. she'll only mind control if more than one character gets into combat with her.
    Yes, this exactly.
    I kept them far enough away so they wouldn't get into combat -- then just burned down the boss. The alts were still close enough to get exp and to be able to loot.

    We're now working on boosting 4 warlocks. This should be fun!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 'ldjr',index.php?page=Thread&postID=113151#post113 151
    Quote Originally Posted by 'mickske',index.php?page=Thread&postID=113141#post 113141
    How much XP (in %) did you get per clear and how long did it take to do a clear?
    hmm... I think I recall it was nearly a level per clear. Since I was checking loot on bosses and occasionally on some mobs, it cut into my clear times. About 50 minutes for undead side and maybe 30 minutes for live. I didn't skip any bosses (in case decent blues dropped for upgrades).

    Ended up leveling 8 characters to lv 60 in two weeks of this type of dungeon clearing (about 2 to 3 hours a night on weeknights after I got home from work and a good portion of two Sundays. Between my wife and I, we leveled up 2 paladins, 1 rogue, 2 shamans, and 3 druids thanks to Recruit-A-Friend and Keyclone.
    I did the exact same thing.

    Btw, I hate Undercity. Running through that with 4 shamans in tow is what hell is like.
    3 Mage Team
    Friedeggs, Friiedeggs, Frieedeggs
    5 Shaman Team
    Poachedeggs ^x 5 <heh

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