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  1. #1

    Default WIP: Master Movement with Either Client(er please suggest a better title) (DUAL-BOX)

    Okay one thing thats bugged me since i've been playing dual-box is movement, works fine well you on your main but if he dies or you need to move to your slave things get a bit err, "Confused" shall we say.
    So here is my work so far in to solving this problem.

    The Goals:
    - To Be Able to use WASD on any window
    - To Be Able to follow any Toon
    - Indepedent casting/assisting of spells (this has been done i know but am adding it for completeness.

    NB: If this has been done before let me know.

    1. Movement (WASD)
    Okay then here is how i've managed this:

    firstly ive set up to sets of keymaps for my 2 clients for example

    W >>> MOVE.FORWARD.1

    W >>> MOVE.FORWARD.2

    What does this do?
    Well if i press w in one window it send ctrl+w to the other, which by default will make both toon walk forward because of how WoW does hotkeys, so what we need to do is change some keybindings in WOW.
    So we need to bind CTRL+W to something in each version of WOW this will stop WOW defaulting to just W being pressed. Since I use Bartender i just use one of bliz's built in acution bars.

    once you've done this pressing W will only make your current client walk forward, you could bind a /follow macro to ctrl+w if you wanted which would make the other one auto follow.

    I worked through the rest of the WASD keys doing the same for each.

    NB: If you hold down ALT and a WASD key BOTH characters will move with that key useful for showing off.

    2. Following
    Since I dont like auto follow I set up the following in key maps

    G >>> FOLLOW.TOON1

    G >>> FOLLOW.TOON2

    In Wow i then bound my follow macro to CTRL+G on each toon.
    NB: If your so inclined you can set something up on your main to emote "Follow Me" or something on G anoys the crap out of people and kinda looks good.
    Nogs n Togs - Level 46 Gnome Mages - Nagrand (EU)

  2. #2


    For movement, I can use WASD on any character by simply having those keys in keyclone's do-not-pass list, that way, when I press them, they are only sent to the active window.

    NB: If you hold down ALT and a WASD key BOTH characters will move with that key useful for showing off.
    Though it doesn't let me do that

  3. #3


    dont pass does do this yes bugger
    but yea the alt thing dont work....wonders why he never thought of that lol
    Nogs n Togs - Level 46 Gnome Mages - Nagrand (EU)

  4. #4


    Ya, the problem with do-not-pass is that if you put in W, it won't pass W at all, so no using shift+W, alt+W etc.

    I guess it's intended to work that way, though your way does bypass it

    I've been using the focusless/hotstring method for most of my spells, but not for movement, perhaps I'll give it a go later, it's more of a hassle setting it up for 5 characters than it is for 2

  5. #5


    I'm not sure why you would go through all that effort, but maybe I'm missing something?

    Couldn't you get the same effect by not passing wasd, and passing the arrow keys?
    Then just use the arrow keys when you needed to move them as a group.
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