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  1. #1


    My daughter just hit 90 and hasn't joined the guild as I transferred her a toon. I play Steinadler, Blutbad, Mellifer, Grimmloc, Jagerbar, Ziegevolk and a new one that I can't recall after I transferred it in from my daughters account but it is an 87.5 druid. I'll be on all day tomorrow grinding the druid and when I hit 89 heading to dreadwaste.

    Scorekeeper is the matchmaker for the oQueue system and is on almost all the time. But as you can figure it is just there to run as the host for the oQueue matchmaking system for real-ID friends from all of the American servers.

  2. #2


    I currently run most older content for achievements, mounts, transmog items and such. I've done all of the raids up to Ice Crown and killed the Lich King. Currently working on completing my legendary axe for my paladin from ICC 25. I want to try to get in to the Cata Raids as I missed most of them from Firelands on. I haven't tried any LFR stuff yet, and just working on completing all the MOP 5 man heroics. I am up for doing what ever cross realm stuff is possible. I just can't stand PVP so i've not joined with any of the guilds on the PVP servers. I've also only got horde groups right now, tho I will be doing an alliance group when i can be bothered to try to level more toons up. I'm going to be 10 boxing again in the near future when school and work allows for more time to play. I'm running on US-Dragonblight PvE server which is not the busiest place but it's ok. Guild <HORDE> all toons are mine and all achievements i've been able to box so far.

  3. #3


    I ran my team outside Orgrimmar for a bit this weekend and the reception among fellow Horde players was somewhat cooler than, say, the NPC response to walking through Stormwind the first time as a Death Knight.

    They REALLY seem to hate multiboxers a lot in that battle group.

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