For those of you that run rezzer+warlock groups, would you like better (read: more annoying) reminders to soulstone your priest/pally/shammy main? I've got something that works.

This is AKS_BuffRemind: a mod that prints text in the middle of your screen and plays a sound when you are missing self-buffs. The bolded text is an important distinction in that it reminds you when the buffs are down. CT_Buffmod plays a sound when the buff is expiring but once it's gone, it's gone. (Yes, I know some other unit frame mods do this but not all of us want to use those other mods.)

Take AKS_BuffRemind from the link above and you'll need to do some surgery on it.

Open \Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\AKSBuffRemind\AKSBuffRem ind.lua and make the following changes:
OPTIONAL (but highly recommended)
In function AKSBuffRemind:Timer, change the following line
dead = UnitIsGhost("player") or UnitIsDead("player")
dead = UnitIsGhost("player") or UnitIsDead("player") or IsResting()
to prevent warnings while in inns or capital cities
OPTIONAL (you can find other sounds to use as the warning sound by replacing "QUESTADDED" with any of the sounds from this list: )
In all functions (do a search/replace)
PlaySound("Deathbind Sound")
change to
for personal preference
REQUIRED (to make the soulstone reminder work for your main)
Right after:
[code:1]function AKSBuffRemind:ReadSpellBook()
local name
local i = 1
name = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
while name do
i = i + 1
name = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
Add this line:
self:LoadSpellArray("Soulstone Resurrection")

The last change above adds the soulstone buff to the list of selectable buffs you can have it warn you about. Once you have these changes made, run the game, do a "/console reloadui" and then a "/br config" to enable warnings for the Soulstone Resurrection buff.

Hope someone finds this useful. It's a damn good mod for self/weapon buffs even if you don't care about the soulstone buff.