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  1. #1

    Default Prot/Holy Pally or Prot Pally/Shammy Team

    Love the site, got a silly question.

    For a dual-boxer (2 accounts) I was thinking of doing the prot pally holy pally teamup for leveling.

    But now I am thinking of Prot Pally - Healy Shammy teamup.

    Pro/Cons ?

  2. #2


    Just get 5 accoutns buddy :thumbsup:

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 'kwschs',index.php?page=Thread&postID=91225#post91 225
    Just get 5 accoutns buddy :thumbsup:
    Heh, I just like the 2 box method.

    No seriously...

    2 pallys = more blessings/bubbles/plate, etc.

    Pally/shammy = blessings/totems

  4. #4


    Hmm, for 2-box, I think I would like the Resto Shaman over a 2nd paladin.

    It seems there are less macri-management with a Shaman.
    Earth Shield cast and forget
    Healing Stream & Mana Spring Totem.
    Wrath of Air = good for both of you.

    In an AoE where your tank pally excel, a nice Fire Elemental is nice to have adding to the aoe damage.

    But ofcourse a Shockadin spec, perhaps even getting Imp Sanctity for the extra 2% damage is nice.
    A Holy Paladin don't have any agro reducing talent, except have BoSalv on them. And if you do, you might hate having to single Salv yourself, and single Wis/Light your tank pally.
    Sanctume [Paladin] + [Team Shaman] Sanctumea + Sanctumei + Sanctumeo

  5. #5


    There's not much micro with a holy pally either -- flash of light is made to be spammed.

    I'd say it's your choice... Personally I'd go with shammy -- you have more options for respeccing, and you should also level faster (pallies are notoriously slow). Furthermore, you won't have to deal with the "forbearance" debuff. A resto shammy / prot pally works wonderfully, as does ele / prot, enh / holy, ele / holy, ret / ele, ret / resto, and if you don't mind melee there's huge synergy between ret / enh.

    It's your choice, but I'd go with 2 different classes since you can get some pretty neat combos going with a simple respec.
    TBC/Wrath Multiboxer: Velath / Velani / Velathi / Velatti / Velavi / Velarie [Archimonde (US-PvP)]

  6. #6


    Prot pally / Ele shammy..

    ..or Prot pally / AoE mage. I used to dual-box split-screen with a prot pally on the left and a frost/arcane mage on the right, and it was awesome having the pally tank a dozen mobs while I rained blizzard / frost nova / cone of cold / arcane explosion on the group. Food/water/CC/ports.. fun stuff.
    Ex-WoW 5-boxer.
    Currently playing:
    Akama [Empire of Orlando]
    Zandantilus - 85 Shaman, Teebow - 85 Paladin, Kodex - 85 Rogue.

    Definitely going to 4-box Diablo 3 after testing the beta for how well this would work.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Vyndree',index.php?page=Thread&postID=91306#post9 1306
    There's not much micro with a holy pally either -- flash of light is made to be spammed.
    OMG, I'm a noob. I hardly cast Flash of Light. My macro on my Shockadin is always HolyLight.
    But maybe because my Prot Pally likes to be below 35% health in PvE.

    I'm currently playing 1 Prot Pally, 1 Shock Pally, 1 Ele Shaman and 1 Resto Shaman while I grind Prot gear for the Shockadin pally.

    I miss having 3 Shamans, but I won't get the 5th account until WotLK.

    What I don't like about the 2nd paladin is it's melee (SoR) and I have to add extra effort to make sure the 2nd paladin is swinging his weapon on the mob. With a multi-mob pull, sometimes the current target is not getting hit.
    Sanctume [Paladin] + [Team Shaman] Sanctumea + Sanctumei + Sanctumeo

  8. #8


    Yeah....Concencrate at 20 though...

    I love pallys though, my main Blackwater (elune) is ret.

    I eventually want to have 1 of each pally spec. I hate tossing cash down the drain just to respec for Arena (Holy) and Raids(Ret)

    Pally, lock, Hunter,shammy, mage at 70.

    I just moved my 70 shammy to my new account.

    So I could go Prot Pally/healing shammy and get a shammy for melee/elemental.

    Or go Prot / Mage... and get another mage.

    Or go Prot/Healy Druid.

    And that is only if I start 2 new toons... I have a warrior/rogue/priest at low levels on the Main account.

    So many choices ! So little time ! ?(

  9. #9


    I started 2 boxing wow when the Xpac came out, My main as a arms warrior, my alt a resto shaman. Dropping Wind fury Totem with a heavy 2 hander on the warrior was good times! Ret could be fun too with a shaman.

    *hides* before anyone complains about ret pally dps.
    My YouTube Channel:
    Due to Blizzards position on Hong Kong, money > freedom. I stopped playing.

  10. #10


    I'd go with shaman just because it's easier to help with dps since they can cast lightning bolt/chain lightning.

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