I tend to switch between 3 different setups for my multiboxing:

  1. 3 box with Account A as main, and accounts B and C as slaves with large windows
  2. 4 box with Account A as main and accounts B, C, and D as slaves with small windows
  3. 4 box with Account D as main and accounts A, B, and C as slaves used for boosting instances
Now if you were using keyclone to set this up every time you would have to do quite a lot of work to reconfigure maximizer settings, commands, etc. Here's how to easily switch between the various setups and allow keyclone to fire them up for you.

  1. First step is to get one of your setups working perfectly, doesn't matter which one, get maximizer sorted, commands and startup ready.
  2. Close keyclone and copy then save the keyclone.ini file as something like keycloneXXX.ini (filename doesn't matter)
  3. Now get your next setup working perfectly then save the ini file with another name, do this for each setup you want to use.
You should now have a number of keycloneXXX.ini files as well as the original keyclone.ini.

To switch to a particular setup simply:

  1. Open the keycloneXXX.ini file using notepad
  2. Copy all the contents (CTRL+A then CTRL+C in notepad)
  3. Close the file
  4. Open the keyclone.ini file using notepad
  5. Select all (CTRL+A)
  6. Paste into the keyclone.ini file (CTRL+C)
  7. Save and close
Then start keyclone as normal and it will fire up with your chosen setup.