I'm seriously considering starting 5boxing right now. Altough I dont have the economy to build 4 new computers at the moment. I plan to get my setup up slow 1 step at a time.

First thing I thought I'd do is build my own 4box case. I've seen it done before on some blog I just cant find it now. He had made a 5 pc box though. And for something entirely different.

All I really need is the measurements. But I'd figure that if I could buy the steel plate which the motherboard sits on it would help a lot. And make things more sturdy. So does anyone know where one could get a hold of a motherboard plate?

The only with doing this that I can think of as of right now is cooling. I plan on just putting to pretty big fans on either side of the box blowing air through it. But I dont know if it'll be enough.

Any feedback is greatly appriciated =).

And I know that doing this might not save me any room and make things more complicated. But I wanna do it to save money and I like building my own things =).