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  1. #1

    Default Private/Emulated Servers with ISBoxer?

    Greetings, friends!

    I've been dabbling with a couple of private EverQuest servers, Project 1999 (which does NOT allow boxing) being the most popular of those. I've found some private servers that DO allow multiboxing, but I cannot figure out how to get the clients to run in ISBoxer. I'll go to "Add Game", drag the executable in the P1999 folder, add the "patchme" parameter, and the game will not come up.

    Has anyone ever successfully gotten a private EQ server to work with ISBoxer? If so, how'd you do it? Thanks.
    "Twilight is upon me. And soon, night must fall". My days in WoW are over, but I'm back to where it all started, EverQuest!

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalros View Post
    Greetings, friends!

    I've been dabbling with a couple of private EverQuest servers, Project 1999 (which does NOT allow boxing) being the most popular of those. I've found some private servers that DO allow multiboxing, but I cannot figure out how to get the clients to run in ISBoxer. I'll go to "Add Game", drag the executable in the P1999 folder, add the "patchme" parameter, and the game will not come up.

    Has anyone ever successfully gotten a private EQ server to work with ISBoxer? If so, how'd you do it? Thanks.
    That is how you launch any version of EverQuest.

    If Inner Space is attempting to launch it and failing, then it's not necessarily that you're doing something wrong, it may be a compatibility issue with something on your PC. We often diagnose launch this type of issue via Compatibility Diagnostics, or Trace Diagnostics (both from ISBoxer's Help menu) if the process has launched but is frozen while trying to start up.

    NZXT CAM for example has been giving people problems, so if you've got that, close it and you might find that you already had figured out how to get the clients to run in ISBoxer.

    If it's attempting to launch the game, and the game is silently crashing, then there may be a .dmp file you can provide to me to help get the problem resolved. Here's the typical instructions for finding that: check in your Inner Space folder for a .dmp file named like name_of_client.exe.dmp, otherwise check "%LocalAppData%\CrashDumps" (you can press Windows+R and paste that into the Run box) for name_of_client.exe.####.dmp (where #### is the process ID that crashed/disappeared/didn't launch)
    Last edited by Lax : 09-25-2022 at 12:51 PM
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  3. #3


    I gave up on trying to get ISBoxer to work with EverQuest private servers and it turned out to be a good thing as MQ2 has actually proven to be a lot more versatile and has some really unique features that are allowed on the servers that I’ve been playing. I’ve been on the Project Lazarus and “A Mischief Server”. Been having a blast and I feel like I’m finally over the burn of Blizzard’s actions over the last several years and will probably never play a game of theirs again.
    "Twilight is upon me. And soon, night must fall". My days in WoW are over, but I'm back to where it all started, EverQuest!

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