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  1. #1

    Default 3x class combos pvp/pve questions

    So im just starting my multibox journey and had a few questions before i really commit to a certain setup.

    I want to be viable in 5 mans possibly raids (prob have to solo for raids, not a major problem)

    I like the idea of still being a beast in world pvp (or is pve better for less headache...opinions needed)

    Class combo:
    The main questions are if im going with 3x is it better to just focus on 3 dps. And if so what 3? Mages/locks come to mind.

    Or would the trinity be better healer/dps/tank?

    Other 2 considered combos are 2dps/tank. Or more likely 2dps/healer.

    A lot of this is subjective but i like opinions and personal experiences to help guide my choice.

    Been having a blast trying out different combos up to 8-9 but iam at a point where i want to commit to something and be viable endgame.

    Also opinions on profession combinations is appreciated.

    Thank You.

  2. #2


    If you want to do dungeons alone you can pull it off if you have 2 hunters+healer or even 3 hunters, you can safely pull mobs with eyes of the beast and pets can tank, you can also 2x freezing trap if you have too many mobs but you cant multibox them in raids since you will need to kite mobs.

    Otherwise as 3x mage you will have the easiest time finding groups and aoe cleaving everything down, plus you can easily multibox them in raids
    Last edited by Madsage : 09-25-2019 at 01:44 PM

  3. #3


    There is a reason why Hunters are considered the champions of soloing as they are essentially their own Trinity with their pet (Pet Tank, Hunter Heal/cleanse, both DPS) and Hunter pets don't have the same Threat issues. They are a little hard to multibox multiple optimally but you can do 1 of them optimally and the other decently. 2 Hunters + Healer can do a lot so there is a lot of merit in that recommendation. That being said Hunters are not needed in great numbers in raids and likely at most you will be able to bring 1 hunter or 1 healer.

    Another interesting 3 toon combo that has had success soloing dungeons is 2 Warlocks+Paladin (with the Paladin helping manage Threat). Unfortunately people have reported issues with Warlock Pets tanking due to losing Threat generally and the only real successes reported thus far have been with a Paladin in the group. It should be noted that that Trio (2 Warlocks+Paladin) was able to clear Scarlet Monastery Armory at Level 39 and that Scarlet Monastery at Level 40 and while that is very promising that Trio hasn't gotten to cap and cleared the higher dungeons yet. You can read more here:

    You obviously would be able to take to raids 1 Paladin or 1 Warlock and may be able to bring 2 Warlocks from time to time. This would be more likely if you get involved in catch-up raids or farming raids where they run the easier content to gear up new people and to make gold... Maybe at some point, if you build up trust with 2 Warlocks, you could bring an Improved Concentration Aura Paladin with your Warlocks.

    As mentioned 3 Mages can join groups and finish dungeons if you find a good tank & healer. You may also be able to 3 box them in Raids (I would start with 1 in the main progression raids and try to work additional ones first into the catch-up/on-farm raids).

    3 Warlocks are somewhat less DPS than Mages at least until the later phases and their numbers in raids are typically less so if you really want to raid Mages are the better choice.

    In case you are curious the following is the best indication of class demand for raids:

    I have not seen yet any update for raids on live that shows anything different but would love to get any info if anyone comes across it.

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