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  1. #1

    Default Mystery solved. Turns out the sky is not falling, just someone doing shady things.

    guys, do not pass your gold between your multi-boxers in wow, I got a ban because of this (only on 1 account out of 4 remaining, but I did the same with the others) im farm only dungeons(10 days) and when i lvlup60 i have already 2k gold in total from my all boxes, and i give 1 main account and i have on main 2k gold, but he didnt get banned, but got a ban my character with whom I took 600 gold.

    I also created topic

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  2. #2



    Their follow-up review, if not also the very first review, would have looked at the characters and accounts involved in the transfer, along with other related data -- such as the IP addresses used to log in the characters at the time.

    Are your WoW accounts on the same account? Do you have more than one IP address? If they are on the same account, and you logged them all in from the same IP address, then that's probably not why you're banned.

    There's other factors that might flag you for RMT activity. Did you use the in-game mail system to send the gold? Have you transferred characters recently? Is your account in your real name? etc.

    Additionally, if you have any RMT related history, maybe you purchased or sold gold a month ago (how would we know?) that could be a factor or the cause.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  3. #3


    While any warning that might allow people to avoid unwarranted bans is of course welcome, there isn't much to discuss here. We can't really help here.

    However, from the thread you linked it appears your accounts were beyond suspicious to begin with:

    You've also shown a very bad attitude in that thread so I can't say that I feel all that much sympathy for your situation... We don't need this kind of representation, thanks.
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  4. #4


    Mystery solved.

    Turns out the sky is not falling, just someone doing shady things.

    p.s. multiboxers hand themselves gold all the time
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

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