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  1. #291


    Quote Originally Posted by Ughmahedhurtz View Post
    I really hope they don't fix this as a bug, but you can tame animals +2 to you as a hunter at the moment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moorea View Post
    that is a bug, it wasn't like that in vanilla so it should be fixed (wonder where it stems from)
    I remember seeing something like this previously in Vanilla.

    I remember my 49 Hunter taking a higher level pet into the BG and freaking some people out.

    It may be though that it only works while leveling up and not at 60 though. I can't remember for sure on that part.

  2. #292


    Quote Originally Posted by d0z3rr View Post
    I'll have forgotten how many QoL stuff they've added that made things easier/better (dungeon finder).
    Would you say dungeon finder made things better? I feel the opposite. Dungeon finder was the beginning of the end for social interaction, community, world PvP, etc. The decline of WoW as an MMO can be traced back to that one change IMO. That and flying mounts. Two of the most negative changes ever implemented.
    Last edited by Apatheist : 06-24-2019 at 10:18 AM

  3. #293


    Totally agree with that. Lfg/Lfr/lfg for arenas etc plus ease of the game totally ruined the concept of work hard/play hard. Atm, the Wow is so dilluted so no wonder people are coming back to Classic (me included). It's nice to see that when you work hard for gear that matters and ofc that game is hard (well, harder then BFA for sure). Can't wait to mingle with people in Classic and box world pvp. Any advices between 4x mage 1x disc, 4x lock 1x disc and 4x warrior 1x shaman.
    Looking for mainly pvp with ofc farming and making gold.

  4. #294


    Quote Originally Posted by Apatheist View Post
    Would you say dungeon finder made things better? I feel the opposite. Dungeon finder was the beginning of the end for social interaction, community, world PvP, etc. The decline of WoW as an MMO can be traced back to that one change IMO. That and flying mounts. Two of the most negative changes ever implemented.
    Selfishly - yup, made it better for me. The whole reason I boxed was to avoid the cesspool that is the WoW playerbase. I got so sick and tired of elitist people in 5 man dungeons, lazy healers, and impatient tanks. Waiting for half an hour to find a healer, only for them to leave within 15 minutes of starting a dungeon. Waiting 30 minutes to find a tank, only for the tank to pull like a moron and wipe the group, then everyone leaves and you have to start all over again.
    The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
    And the circling is worth it,
    Finding beauty in the

  5. #295


    re hunters, I mained a hunter in vanilla and bc and I remember waiting to have their level to get some of the good attack speed pets
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

  6. #296


    Quote Originally Posted by d0z3rr View Post
    Waiting 30 minutes to find a tank, only for the tank to pull like a moron and wipe the group, then everyone leaves and you have to start all over again.
    That's only half the picture though. I still talk to people I met during vanilla while out questing or looking for dungeon groups. Added to friends list and later joined a guild together that ended up being a solid raiding guild lasting well into Cataclysm.

    Boxing makes things smoother when you want to just get a dungeon finished asap. but I still enjoy the social aspect sometimes. The fact that the only time you ever need to even communicate with another player in a supposed MMO is at the highest level of mythic content is pretty poor design IMO.

    Not to mention the impact it has on gameplay. The best PvP I've ever had in WoW occurred organically while out questing. Running into some Horde character who called for help, then I did the same and it ended up with dozens of level 20somethings brawling in Ashenvale for hours. That kind of genuine player interaction is so much more enjoyable than grinding "points" in some instanced BG. Nowdays everyone would be flying over the zone, in a queue or sharded and you're lucky if you see another player.

  7. #297


    Worst part about being horde is missing out on this awesome item:

    Alliance only quest to be a Furbolg.
    If anyone doesn't know about it, then you should NOT complete that quest since you lose the item then. Unlimited uses transformation with shorter cd than duration so all characters can have it up all the time, except when taking damage.

  8. #298


    Final stress test next week, 8/8!

    Our global pre-launch test of WoW Classic will begin on Thursday, August 8 at 11:00 a.m. PDT and is scheduled to end on Friday, August 9. This test will be available to all World of Warcraft players with a current subscription or active game time in all regions. The maximum character level will be 15.
    We ask that players please log-in and play as much as possible during the first two hours of the test – 11:00 a.m. PDT to 1:00 p.m. PDT, as that is when we’ll be actively monitoring for issues important to launch.
    Last edited by MiRai : 08-02-2019 at 09:56 AM Reason: Formatting - Automatic Text Color

  9. #299
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by xandorz View Post
    Worst part about being horde is missing out on this awesome item:

    Alliance only quest to be a Furbolg.
    If anyone doesn't know about it, then you should NOT complete that quest since you lose the item then. Unlimited uses transformation with shorter cd than duration so all characters can have it up all the time, except when taking damage.
    I wonder if you can redo that quest (and get another item) once 8.25 goes live (under the party sync mechanics). That'd be pretty nifty for alliance dirtba^H^H^H^H^H^Hplayers.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  10. #300


    Can anybody recommend/link addons needed for Classic WoW? I assume we can't use Vanilla addons and have to look at BFA addons? I want to use EMA but I'm not even sure where to start for the download.

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