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  1. #1

    Default Disc priest macro request

    Is anyone kind enough to share their Disc priest GS macro? or normal macro? or ISboxer setup?

    I've been looking on WoWlazymacro's, but can't seem to find one that does the job.
    Multiboxing 10 accounts!
    2 mistweaver monks - 8 Elemental shamans

  2. #2


    There one on my blog.

  3. #3



    I've deprecated my github for now.

    I use this for 5 mans.

    Sequences['Disc_AoE'] = {
      Talents = "1123113",
      MacroVersions = {
        [1] = {
          StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
            "/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]",
            "/castsequence [@focus, exists, combat][@party1, exists, combat] reset=combat  Plea, null",
            "/castsequence [talent:7/1] reset=combat  Smite, Purge the Wicked, null; [talent:7/2][talent:7/3] reset=combat  Smite, Shadow Word: Pain, null",
            "/castsequence [@focus, exists][@party1, exists] reset=combat Power Word: Shield, Shadow Mend",
            "/castsequence [talent:7/2][talent:7/3] reset=combat  Smite, Smite, Smite, Shadow Word: Pain;[talent:7/1] Smite, Smite, Smite, Purge the Wicked",
            "/castsequence [combat] reset=combat  Smite, Penance, Power Word: Radiance",
            "/cast [@focus, exists][@party1, exists] Power Word: Shield",
            "/castsequence [talent:4/3] reset=combat  Smite, Mindbender;  reset=combat  Smite, Shadowfiend",
            "/cast [combat] Penance",        
            "/castsequence [combat] reset=combat  Smite, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Evangelism",
    Last edited by Jabberie : 08-05-2017 at 09:49 AM

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by ebony View Post
    There one on my blog.
    Where can i find your blog, ebony
    Multiboxing 10 accounts!
    2 mistweaver monks - 8 Elemental shamans

  5. #5


    I'll share my dps macro when I'm home -- it's a lot simpler than Jabberie's so I'll have to try his/her's out. I do like to have a lot of [nochanneling: penance] directives in my macros though...

    As for isboxer setup, I have 2 separate clikbars over my party frames. I use the pro click healing system that Mirai has video'ed about, with a slight modification. If I'm mousing over the click bars and hitting my dps rotation it'll either do shadow mend or plea. If I click on the bars I have shadow mend, plea, PW:S and PW:R mapped to mouse buttons. I don't know if that makes sense...
    Last edited by hummuslover : 07-27-2017 at 03:20 PM

  6. #6

  7. #7


    Invalid Blog specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
    Last edited by MiRai : 07-28-2017 at 09:58 AM Reason: Formatting—Use Automatic Text Color
    Multiboxing 10 accounts!
    2 mistweaver monks - 8 Elemental shamans

  8. #8


    Here are mine - simpler and yet more complicated:

    DPS Macro:
    /castsequence [nochanneling:penance,harm] reset=combat/target  Shadow Word: Pain, Penance, Penance
    /cast [nochanneling:penance] Smite
    /click [nochanneling:penance] plea_rota
    /cast [@focus,exists,nodead,nochanneling:penance] Power Word: Shield
    and then the "plea_rota" mentioned above:
    /cast [@player,nodead,nochanneling] Plea
    /cast [@party1,nodead,nochanneling] Plea
    /cast [@party2,nodead,nochanneling] Plea
    /cast [@party3,nodead,nochanneling] Plea
    /cast [@party4,nodead,nochanneling] Plea
    @Jabberie - FYI - you don't need to separately mention SW:P and Purge the Wicked as if you're talented for the latter, using the former in the macro will still work.

  9. #9


    @hummuslover, you do if you have it in a castsequence

  10. #10


    Hmmm - maybe it's something they fixed. My /castsequence above works whether I'm talented into it or not. That being said, it's more robust the way you have it, for sure. I haven't tried yours out yet - I like having the PW:R in the rotation!

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