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  1. #1

    Default New to the community have questions??

    Hey all im new to the community and have a few questions?
    i have got isboxer and have 5 accounts which can go up to max level 100 currently .
    I want to set up a 5 man team but not sure on what to go with ?
    also is there any tips or ways to make the collecting loot easier for all the toons in one click?

    many thanks


  2. #2


    Hello and welcome!

    Honestly I think classes and specs are down to preference. Just about everything is doable to an extent, but some classes tend to yield better efficiency in a multibox setup than others. For example hunters have been the go-to ranged DPS for a long while if you're looking for the "best" output in a mixed setup. The general rule of thumb is that proc based specs are commonly worse for us, as they require more individual baby sitting and attention.

    It's often recommended to start with 5x (or however many) of the same class and spec, since it's generally simpler for a beginner. I don't think a mixed setup is beyond the grasp of a beginner either, but it takes more setup and fine tuning, so for those just wanting to get going on their adventures "all of X" is usually a good starting point. Again it's mostly down to what you want to play, but it's generally agreed that different roles have varying degrees of difficulty when multiboxed. From easiest to hardest you'd be looking at something like:

    Ranged DPS
    Ranged DPS pet class
    Mixed groups

    Looting can be made easier with custom mapped keys that utilize the Interact with Target function. Here's a video of Mirai demonstrating his loot method.

  3. #3


    I started boxing with Leigon so I'm still pretty new but been doing it long enough to know how things work.

    I went with Blood DK, the reason being I wanted a good "all round team" with a goal of wPvP (balance is completely non-existent). My comp works pretty well, I have a Pally and 4x Blood DK. (but if I could re-work I would have 5x Blood DK and dump the pally, then again the healing utility out of combat has saved my skin a few times).

    The grip is what keeps me on this spec.

    In wPvP I find the challenge is "time on target" moreso with Melee but the grip works so well for me. 8x interrupts, target changes, and simply messes up positioning of who you are fighting.

    They work very well for PvE (although I only play PvP and do bare minimum to get mid-range gear).

    If you want to play PvE many people are saying good things about an all-druid bear team and I think the go-to is still 5x Protection Paladins.

    I have tried 5x lock and 5x hunter but found them a little lacking in wPvP, hunter can 1-shot anybody but if a DH gets in the middle of you it's game over.

    With my current team, a DH needs to be 900+ and has a 50/50 chance at 1v5 (yes, this sounds ridiculous but it's the state of the game) unless my honour medallion doesn't activate in the open world, then I just die in 6 seconds (/lol).

    Guardian druids I can kill 1v5 but only if it's me vs them with nobody else getting involved (this requires waiting out their CD and leeching through their damage with the DK and the Paladin running away from the bear like a crazy man, once they burn their "lock to 100% HP" CD I burst and throw a few Gunpowder Charges.

    So, in summary Blood DK is good in terms of surviving through things but doesn't have the burst of others.

    Expect to die in seconds if your not a tank in wPvP - assuming you're on a PvP server - I just started a new Druid team on Chamber of Aspects and one of them is on a PVP realm so I can choose between the two now.

  4. #4


    The damage off of classes like ele at 920 is staggering in wPvP. But I wouldn't say you'd die in seconds if played to the max. Especially with a resto shaman. They're great MB healers due to spirit link totem, healing tide being shared on a 3m cooldown. That has saved me quite a bit when some random splashes into my team in wPvP.

    I do like DKs for wPvP though for the reasons you stated. Melee uptime, grips, stuns, interrupts for days. And anti-magic zone is great when you are being cleaved down by magic. No other melee comes close for multiboxing.

    If playing hunters this gets very difficult because they offer nothing in groups. All their defensive work is kiting. Warrior can smash something hard with warbreaker into bladestorm. I imagine 4x warrior doing that would decimate most any opposing pack. There are others like tanks that have crazy durability to mitigate most ambush attacks.

    One team I still have interest in is a prot war + rshm + 3*ele. Lots of firepower in that comp. What wPvP really needs is burst and sustainability. This comp would do well.

    For now I'm just 3 boxing my warrior + rshm + warlock. But I may get back into 5 boxing soon as it feels pretty dull only playing 3.

  5. #5


    One thing to keep in mind is how easy/hard it is to macro/script your DPS. For example, I have an Arcane Mage and an Elemental Shaman with similar gear levels, but VASTLY different DPS output when I box. Arcane Mage is relatively easy to macro/script, while the Ele Shaman is much more challenging. I'm sure there is some improvements I could make, but I just haven't yet.
    From my experience, the easiest classes to script/macro are Protection Paladin and Beast Master Hunter, which probably explains why many people have homogeneous teams of these types in Legion.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Bollwerk View Post
    One thing to keep in mind is how easy/hard it is to macro/script your DPS. For example, I have an Arcane Mage and an Elemental Shaman with similar gear levels, but VASTLY different DPS output when I box. Arcane Mage is relatively easy to macro/script, while the Ele Shaman is much more challenging. I'm sure there is some improvements I could make, but I just haven't yet.
    From my experience, the easiest classes to script/macro are Protection Paladin and Beast Master Hunter, which probably explains why many people have homogeneous teams of these types in Legion.

    It's very difficult to mix DPS with vastly different rotations. That's why if I were doing ele I would do 3 ele and tank and healer. So the entire DPS rotation is how ele does it. I'm not sure how much better you can make it due to that stupid earthquake spell. It's either none or all I'm afraid.

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