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  1. #1

    Default 1st Dungeon Experience

    Hi all, I'm new to multi-boxing but with most of my raid team having RL stuff and not being able to show up for raids/dungeons I thought I'd give it a go with a multi-boxed team.

    While an experienced player, this was a whole new (and super fun) experience for me.

    My team is:
    Tank - Paladin
    Healer - Shaman
    DPS - Mage x 3

    I'm using IsBoxer and while new to all the configuration and flexibility it has, have been learning my way around it.

    I managed to setup Keymaps for my Tank/DPS/Healer and they seem to work like I wanted while I was beating up target dummies, so I figured "Hey it's BC Timewalking this week. Those were fun/easy. Let's give it a go."

    I got Black Morass (BM) 1st and I can recall vividly the boredom of waiting on each wave and destroying it then waiting for what seemed like forever for the next wave. Maybe it's a multi-boxing thing, but I feel like time sped up quite considerably when I was in there! (Like Warp 10 speed). Before I knew it Medivh was toast. I kept trying and managed to get all the way to the 2nd boss before he DESTROYED me... :-P Then I realized that BM starts over from Wave 1 and I bailed.

    So then I tried The Arcatraz. I don't know if any of you remember that one but the first boss does a super knock back... I had forgotten this until my team got punted in every direction but near each other!

    Anyway, it was such a fun challenge to try and keep up (even though I couldn't). I really need to practice:

    - Keeping track of healing
    - Meaningful procs
    - Positioning to see my team/bad things on the ground
    - Incorporating IsBoxer WoW macros

    I'm really looking forward to getting better and being a contributing member of this wonderful community. Appreciate all the help and advice and support. You guys are really a great group of people :)


  2. #2


    Awesome stuff!
    The first thing to note is it's typically easier to ease into multiboxing by playing 5 of the same class. You went full Holy Trinity (1 tank / 3 dps / 1 heal) and that's probably the highest difficulty you'll run into.
    To make it easier you'll want to find a way to have 1 button to press that does every role at 75%~ efficiency, and then have the other buttons for defensive or offense CD's, as well as movement keys.

    In Legion I did run a Druid Tank / Druid Heals and 3 Enhancement shaman dps, and while it was fun I didn't feel like I was obtaining the level of efficiency I wanted, mostly the shaman were not performing to my standards.

    Either way just learning everything, it adds an entire new path to this game and is very rewarding and enjoyable. Glad to hear your story.
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  3. #3


    Welcome and I love hearing about it!

    Also don't be shy and please hit that record button and film some of your attempts
    No fancy editing required.

    Like this

    I personally enjoy watching every video posted (even when i'm playing myself).

  4. #4


    Love hearing about new boxers joining the fray! Reminds me of how much fun I had when I cleared my first dungeon with an all melee team! The enjoyment is in the tweaking and experimentation I find! I don't think I can go back to playing WoW any other way (unless it's to 10 box!).

    Welcome and have fun!

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