Hi all, I'm new to multi-boxing but with most of my raid team having RL stuff and not being able to show up for raids/dungeons I thought I'd give it a go with a multi-boxed team.

While an experienced player, this was a whole new (and super fun) experience for me.

My team is:
Tank - Paladin
Healer - Shaman
DPS - Mage x 3

I'm using IsBoxer and while new to all the configuration and flexibility it has, have been learning my way around it.

I managed to setup Keymaps for my Tank/DPS/Healer and they seem to work like I wanted while I was beating up target dummies, so I figured "Hey it's BC Timewalking this week. Those were fun/easy. Let's give it a go."

I got Black Morass (BM) 1st and I can recall vividly the boredom of waiting on each wave and destroying it then waiting for what seemed like forever for the next wave. Maybe it's a multi-boxing thing, but I feel like time sped up quite considerably when I was in there! (Like Warp 10 speed). Before I knew it Medivh was toast. I kept trying and managed to get all the way to the 2nd boss before he DESTROYED me... :-P Then I realized that BM starts over from Wave 1 and I bailed.

So then I tried The Arcatraz. I don't know if any of you remember that one but the first boss does a super knock back... I had forgotten this until my team got punted in every direction but near each other!

Anyway, it was such a fun challenge to try and keep up (even though I couldn't). I really need to practice:

- Keeping track of healing
- Meaningful procs
- Positioning to see my team/bad things on the ground
- Incorporating IsBoxer WoW macros

I'm really looking forward to getting better and being a contributing member of this wonderful community. Appreciate all the help and advice and support. You guys are really a great group of people :)
