Thought it might be fun to see how our various teams and comps do against our order hall "Raider's Training Dummy".

It's the one that hits back... hard. Once you get it's health to 0 it gains damage stacks. Each stack is 5% increased damage. It's useful to practice rotation on while reacting to damage.

Let us know what your comp is (E.g. 5 prot pallies) and how many stacks you made it to before you wiped (all dead, battle rez is fine), time taken, and damage (via Skada if possible so we all use the same thing). Obviously you must be in melee range of the boss or it doesn't count... so sorry 5 x mage comps .

Here's my first go as an example.

Comp: 4 Balance / 1 Resto Druid
Stacks: 25 (125%)
Duration: 5:04
Damage Taken*: 335.42M

* Note: Damage taken should only be the damage to the "Raider's Training Dummy". Skada will break it out for you in case you clipped some of the other dummies with an AoE or cleave.

This ended up being a lot of fun. He was one shotting the boomies by the end. I only managed this long by abusing Treants and Bear + Taunt rotation.