Hello everyone,

I'm new to multiboxing in Eve (Well pushing beyond 4 accounts) and I am willing to put in the work to make myself a really great set up.

I currently have 1 Rorqual, 1 Battleship (For clearing rats until I can get Exhumers with a half decent tank), 10 Retrievers and I have 2 monitors.

Currently if I run all of the clients my computer really struggles (The CPU struggles to be specific), and I was hoping that by using DxNothing windows and VideoFX in a set up similar to the video linked below that I could alleviate these problems.


I already have an idea of my ideal layout, but I do not currently know how to go about setting something like this up. Do I have to set up VideoFX manually on to the DxNothing Windows whilst having all the clients open. Or can I in a way not run clients to save on computer resources.


(Sorry for the poor quality, it's at a 1:4 scale)

My idea is to split my miners into 5 groups of two and spread them around the belt so that they do not have issues with range and so that they can all mine separate asteroids easily whilst keeping track of what is mining currently.

So to sum up:

Is my idea possible?

Will running DxNothing and VideoFX hopefully reduce the strain on my CPU (It hits 25% on system usage when so many clients are open but system is otherwise always low)?

Are there any optimisations to my idea that could be done or things that I'm missing?

Where do I get started with setting up the windows in an easy manner without having to fight 100% CPU usage?

Thank you in advance!