Is there a boxer friendly quest listing addon? Basically something that told you which quests to avoid, except when they are required to open up quest chains. An example is the bunny clicking quest in Hyjal which is required to get anymore quests in that storyline. If such an addon doesn't exist, would that be something people would find useful if I developed it? If so, what kinda of features would be required or even useful? The main one I can think of is a listing of nearby/zone quests that indicated the quests that were good and the ones that were evil. I would also put something in there to add an indicator on the quest accept window that npcs show, like make it a red background or an icon around the accept button. Maybe even have an API so addons (I'm looking a you Ebony) that auto accept quests could see if it should be accepted. Maybe even waypoint planning for TomTom and such to get you to the best questing hub for boxers when you finish the one you are on.

Anyway, I'd love thoughts and suggestions.

- Souca Thinks He Can Program