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    Default Davidmage's 5 hunters info page

    I often get asked things in threads, youtube comments and private messages in both. So here I'm compiling an info page where I can link everyone, instead of having to answer everyone separately. I will be keeping this page updated.


    I'm using 1 Tenacity Turtle (TT) as main tank, and 1 Ferocity turtle (FT) as secondary tank. I use 1 nether ray for the heroism, and 2 Quilens for battle ress. All hunters also have a Quilen which I can summon when I need to ress up the team. Turtles are probably best tanks, but Quilen are decent off-tanks with their smaller defensive cooldown.

    I'm using 4 MD on TT, and 1 MD on FT. When TT dies FT can last a while with shell cooldown, allowing ress of TT and hopefully some time for new threat generation/MD on TT. If a few ferocity pets die before TT gets aggro, it's easy to just ress them again. As BM it feels like without any MD, the pet will still get aggro before the hunter most of the time, so keeping the hunters from being targeted does not seem to be an issue even if a boss cycles pet tanks at a quick rate.

    Healbot (self-heal and battle ress):

    My healbot bars on the upper right corner serve 2 purposes:

    1) Battle ress. I have 1 hunter which always has her crane out, and is ready to battle ress in combat. The first thing you need to do is to set up healbot for that hunter, so that either right or left click will trigger the spell for battle ress for that hunter. It's not complicated, should be fairly easy just looking inside the addon settings.
    When your br-hunter has that part working, and can cast battle-ress for on any dead character just by for example left-clicking the healbot healthbar the last step is easy. Just create a new repeater region over the healbot health bars. This repeater region should only broadcast mouseclicks to your br-hunter (if that is the only thing you have set up with healbot). But you can also broadcast to all, and just set up healbot for those chars to do nothing when clicked.

    I am sure that you can customize healbot even more and implement more actions for your whole team. I just had this simple requirement and threw it together quickly, I have not spent any more time on improving the functionality of what can be done with healbot for my hunter team.

    2) On the action-button right next to each chars health bar, I have placed the individual Exhilaration (self heal cooldown) for each character. So for example as you see on my main char Exhilaration is next to Electris health bar and the others are empty. If I would switch to for example Inuzukakiba, you would find Exhilaration next to his bar. Over that whole area I have a repeater region, which will send my mouse clicks to all clients. Meaning I can click from main window to all other windows at the same time. (A tip from Ebony was to just set up an ISBoxer menu over those buttons instead of a repeater region. This is better and is on my todo-list)
    So with this, whenever I see that one health bar drops a lot compared to the others, I can specifially heal that character without remembering any difficult keybinds, I just click right next to the low health bar. And because of the individual placement of the spell, only the intended hunter will use the heal, and the others will just click on an empty action bar.


    I don't use many macros. My main macro which handles my misdirect and cooldown usage is:

    /cast [target=Terror,exists,nodead] Misdirection
    /cast Aspect of the Wild
    /cast Bestial Wrath
    /cast A Murder of Crows
    /cast petattack

    (where 4/5 hunters md "Terror" and one does it on "Tanky" which is my off tank)

    A recent addition macro is just this simple one:

    (it's basically the same as manually clicking the claws attack command at the pet actionbar)
    Sometimes when a fight goes on and you battleress your pets several times, they somehow get stuck in a passive mode, even if you trigger kill command etc. So then I just remember to push this one to tell em to get at it again.

    And also:

    It's the follow command on the pet actionbar.

    General ability setup:

    The rest of the abilitys are just placed in the regular wow UI. Some abilitys like interrupt and pet stun I have spread on different actionbuttons so I can manually just click different ones to manage some separate actions for those things.
    The mend pet/ress spell I just press often, either when I know that I want to refresh mend pet, or that some needs ressing. No individual handling there, I just press it for all.


    For mythic+ I use fighter chow food to save time between packs. Consumable for bosses or trash in high performance m+ is flask of prolonged power. Agi flask considering your gold status / care-level for current dungeon. Healing pots does not seem to share cooldown with prolonged pot, so definitely use them because they are cheap.

    Talents and stat prio:

    My standard talents with a prio for single target talents: 2,1,3,2,3,1,2

    1) Mastery, 2) Haste, 3) Crit, 4) Versatility

    I care very little for the last 2, and haste I consider fine. But mastery is the stuff and will make the biggest difference. I read somewhere that they made secondary stats matter less overall, and Ilvl is more important. So most often the top Ilvl will be best, unless you see some serious issues with the different stats. (neck and ring the stat matter more since there is no agility on them)

    Gear and legendaries:

    I'm switching between the heirloom tank (shield trinket) and pure dps trinket depending on what I feel will help most at each specific boss encounter. Of course when the damage is from a demon, the effect is much bigger.
    Legendaries I have which are nice:

    1) "The shadow hunter's voodoo mask" The healing provided for each Feign is just insane. In tough fights it becomes clear which of my chars has it and those who don't.

    2) "Roar of the Seven Lions" 15% reduced focus cost during the time we actually dps, nice raw increase.
    Last edited by davidmage : 02-25-2017 at 12:33 PM

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