Quote Originally Posted by Lyonheart View Post
I agree with this. Hunters are great..but you can't que for dungons with them, you have to go to the dungon location. 5 Palies..5druids work well because you can que for dungons. IF that does not matter to you.. 5 hunters work.
Aye this is true. I updated my text with some more reflection about this. I now remember that I actually did not level my hunters the regular way, I boosted most of them with the Legion pre-order offer. And when I leveled my paladins, I just blazed through the levels by only doing dungeons via LFG tool.

By the way, did anyone try running dungeons at all with 5 hunt at lower levels, are they doable? Might be a considerable factor also.

The person in question is completely new to WoW, maybe it could still be "fun" to take a little longer time, and experience all the quests and the content outside, instead of powerleveling through repeating dungeons? And travel to the dungeon manually (assuming 5 hunt pre 110 can clear it) which was the only option in earlier days. And I don't know, but the game felt different, and not necessarily in a bad way, when we did not have these handy tools to teleport us everywhere. (At least for the first time experience)