After a break for almost a month I decided to log on my hunters and see how 7.1.5 affected BM hunter.
Before this I warmed up with a regular mythic to get me a key, and then a CoS Level 2. I beat that with 3 chests and upgraded to this level 5 DHT key with Teeming.
Since BM hunter according to patch notes got slightly buffed (although the biggest buffs were on the talents / abilities I do not use anyway), I decided to try this level 5 keystone.

Anyway this run went surprisingly well. I only really messed up once, and was close to a wipe. I made a 2-chest timer, with not so far off the 3-chest timer. Had I played correctly and also not slacked so much, 3 chest-timer would have been doable.

Invisibility pot can be used in this dungeon to skip a lot of trash. But I did not bother with that. Besides, I did not want to have my prolonged power pots on cooldown for the Dresaron fight (which has to be done without hero)

I'm probably not going to be playing much more until 7.2 arrives. That's why I made sure to record this and make a video, since there have not and will not be many more of those for a while