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  1. #21


    @smk They are amazing for AoE. I pull 2 packs unless there's a mechanic that will screw me (like Fear in Maw) because their mitigation is so good (makes my Pally team look like sissies). Their single target still seems weak. If you look at Ursoc logs for tank DPS it's dominated by pallies running seraphim. Catweave bears aren't too shabby though, but I don't know how easy it will be to manage that rotation across 5 toons (might be OK, but I haven't tried yet). The slow from thrash comes in handy too if you're low and need to get some distance for a swiftmend. I one-shot Mythic DHT and Mythic Maw in their first week at 830-840 ilvl.

    BTW, my fighter chow + troll in combat regen is @ 19k HPS now w/ 3.3m max health. There's no logs to check for it so I wrote a bit of LUA to log it. I tested this thoroughly without YSera's Gift (untalented), and no skill usage, just getting hit a couple times by the order hall raid boss and then standing back while still in combat. Without the chow buff it's 1.9k HPS, which makes perfect sense considering chow's 1000% is the same as 10x.

    Here's the code if you want to check it yourself. It basically tracks the change in your health and divides it by the time that passed (2 seconds) and prints it to your chat window:

    healthRegen = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)

    local oldHealth = UnitHealth("player")
    local oldTime = time()
    function regenHandler(frame, event, ...)
    local newHealth = UnitHealth("player")
    local newTime = time()
    local deltaHealth = newHealth - oldHealth
    local deltaTime = newTime - oldTime
    if delta ~= 0 then
    print("HPS: "..(deltaHealth / deltaTime))
    oldHealth = newHealth
    oldTime = newTime
    healthRegen:SetScript("OnEvent", regenHandler)

    YSera's Gift ticks every 5 seconds instead of every 2 seconds, but basically gave me similar HPS (101k per 5s). So you're basically doubling gift, except that Gift will heal others once your full (which is great when you have 5 bears).

    All this being said, I really don't think they will ever be as good as a pally or hunter team. I made these guys for gathering and to see if 5 x boomies will make a good super fast (and fun) farm team for shit I outgear due to their massive AoE, armor, brez. For progression I'm sticking with my pallies and hunter + shammy team.
    Last edited by rapstar : 03-04-2017 at 10:45 PM Reason: Missed some code

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