
As some of you might know, I've been stubborn and stuck to my trinity setup instead of going for all tanks and whatnot. While I'm starting to somewhat outgear base level mythics, I'm still quite happy with being able to clear pretty much all that I've tried so far. I'll have to see about going in to M+ at some point, but for now my game time is a tad limited so we'll see when/if that happens.

Anywhoo, here is my team's first shaky kill of Cordana (M) in Vault of The Wardens. A few mistakes, but didn't end up mattering in the end. + decent RNG with the creeping dudes.

Fairly easy fight really, once you know what to do. I would imagine with better gameplay this could be done in much, much lower gear.

The Monk is still the weak point in my team TBH and I think I'd do better with a Shaman or Pally healer... I'll keep posting in to this thread if I happen to record any more mythic kills while I slowly work my way through them.