Hey guys,

Just wanted to post this macro for you all.
I used to used a different version a long time ago, but after some trial and error was able to get a version working again.

If your like myself you want to squeeze every extra bit of FPS out of your setup as you can. You may also do a lot of switching who the current JambaMaster is, and only want nameplates to show on the character your currently driving with.

The Solution:
In your IsBoxer setup -> Always On -> JambaMaster

Add a wow macro for self (guy your driving with)
/run local a = GetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies"); SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies",1+a);

Add another wow macro for all others
/run local a = GetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies"); SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies");

This works fine with Tidy Plates, so I'm going to assume it works with other nameplate addons.