
<command autoexec>
    <createpanel P 0 0 115 500>
    <targetwin P>
        <alwaysontop on>
    <createbutton login 0 800 100 25 login>
    <setbuttoncommand login c1>
    <addbuttontopanel login P>

<command c1>
    <renamewin "World of Warcraft" 1>
    <renamewin "World of Warcraft" 2>
    <renamewin "World of Warcraft" 3>
    <renamewin "World of Warcraft" 4>
    <renamewin "World of Warcraft" 5>
        <wait 100>
    <sendwinm 1>
        <text []>
    <sendwinm 2>
        <text []>
    <sendwinm 3>
        <text []>
    <sendwinm 4>
        <text []>
    <sendwinm 5>
        <text []>
        <wait 500>
    <sendwinm 1,2,3,4,5>
        <key tab>
        <wait 500>
    <sendwinm 1,2,3,4,5>
        <text []>
        <wait 500>
    <sendwinm 1,2,3,4,5>
        <key enter>
hotkeynet output:

<createpanel P 0 0 115 500> completed
<targetwin P> completed: Window found. Target set to 0x3D0604 "P"
<alwaysontop on> completed
<createbutton login 0 800 100 25 login> completed
<setbuttoncommand login c1> failed: Error in program.  Please report this to freddie @  Thanks.
<addbuttontopanel login P> completed
The "[]" represent login strings.

The command functions with no problems as a hotkey. Placing the command entry before the autoexec entry doesn't fix the problem. Moving setbuttoncommand to execute after addbuttontopanel doesn't fix the problem.

(Hotkeynet's creator has long since abandoned his software, and his forums are closed.)