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  1. #1

    Default Soliciting Input for Build (10-box WoW Legion)

    Heya peeps!

    So I've currently been running with rather sub-par equipment, and the new patch has been enough to make upgrading a necessity if i wish to continue with 10 toons. As I am rather out of the loop when it comes to hardware, I'd love some input before I go and buy hardware just to find out it's completely wrong for this.

    What I'm looking to do:
    - 10-box WoW
    - 1 client with Medium/high-ish settings (anything above is always a plus naturally), followers with everything turned way low.
    - Sustained framerates. I'm ok with dips with a lot going on as long as it stays at a playable level.
    - Mainly playing open world and LFR type environments, but at times large scale WPVP does happen here.
    - Maybe some streaming and recording.
    - Nothing beyond very basic overclocking

    I'm looking at a budget of about 1.3k € and this is what I've come up with so far:
    (The case and 700W PSU I already have should suffice. Also not listing coolers etc, but I have factored them in)


    The processor I'm pretty set on, as it seems to be the best bang for buck in my price range.

    I'm completely clueless about motherboards so that is just a random one with the correct socket type. Whether I should be looking at faster memory, I also have no idea.

    The GTX 1070 is a suggestion from another boxer. Apparently they have a tiny bit more performance than a 980TI and are pretty much the same price nowadays.

    So if anyone has any suggestion or I have any glaring mistakes in my current choises, I would love to hear it.
    Last edited by Wubsie : 07-22-2016 at 03:01 AM Reason: Grammar & formatting

  2. #2


    You could easily do 15 or 20 on that. I'm on only a 3930k with two GTX 970s in SLI and I can run 20 with very little performance issues.

    I'm not sure if the one 1070 is better than two of the previous generation. Mirai will probably swoop in on that
    "Tact is for those that lack the wit for sarcasm."

  3. #3


    Looks solid so far, but i would double the ram to 32GB, dont think that faster memory is necessary and dont forget an SSD. =)

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Mosg2 View Post
    You could easily do 15 or 20 on that. I'm on only a 3930k with two GTX 970s in SLI and I can run 20 with very little performance issues.

    I'm not sure if the one 1070 is better than two of the previous generation. Mirai will probably swoop in on that
    Hey Mosg2, I am also running 2x 970's.
    Would you mind sharing your video settings/switching macros that you use to keep the slaves low and the main high?
    Mind you I am only 5 boxing.

  5. #5


    I'd love to, but I'm on vacation right meow

    The big part is that I change the render scale on the alts to .5 and the main to 1.
    "Tact is for those that lack the wit for sarcasm."

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