I have only started to multibox FFXIV recently, but since there's not a lot of resource out there for boxers I thought I would share my findings.

Feel free to contribute.

Target Main Character

There may be more elegant methods, especially to be able to change target on the fly - but for now I have settled on

/target "main character name"

Originally I just used 'F2' to select the second person in the party list, but once you enter an instanced Duty, they party gets jumbled up and your leader is no longer the second person in the list.


Two macros fired off one key press.

I press ALT-F and it triggers the two keys I've assigned to

/target "main character name"



This might work as one macro, I will test later.

DPS Keys

Since there are times when you will need to solo you characters through quests you will want a macro that will work both solo and in a party. As an Arcanist I use

/ac "Ruin" <t>
/ac "Ruin" <tt>


/ac "Bio" <t>
/ac "Bio" <tt>

Since <t> (target) is my main character during party missions it will not cast on a friendly, it will go on to <tt> target of target and cast at the enemy.

The <t> will work when the character targets the enemy directly, and therefore will kick in during solo missions.

Action / Confirm Quests

I use 'Assist' on one key, then 'Confirm' on another. These are built into the key configuration off FFXIV, you will want to assign them and broadcast the keys.

Since my follow action has my party always targeting the main character, when I want them to interact with a quest giver or quest object etc.. I select the npc/node on my main, hit assist, then spam confirm. I have these each assigned to my keypad on my Logitech G600 mouse.