Hello everyone!

I have been waiting until closer to the Legion launch to consider team setups, but now I think we're close enough to toss some ideas around. I'll split my thoughts into melee and ranged--And I'm talking about a team of 10 or more characters. With that in mind...

1. Warlocks look amazing. With Shadowburn, you just need enough Warlocks that they can one-shot a character with Shadowburn, and you'll be able to blow up one person per GCD at instant speed, while moving, without spending mana. With the new Fire and Brimstone and/or Wreak Havoc, you're looking at good AoE potential. They also come with an AoE stun, albeit with a 1.5 second cast.

2. Hunters also look amazing. Because of IWT not being functional for Hunters you can't run Survival, but MM looks great. With Barrage and Sidewinders they'll be able to chew through any number of characters easily, and Hunter single-target burst is, of course, instant and usable while moving. The obvious downside is that there is no real AoE CC available with Hunters :/

3. Priests seem interesting, but I'm not sure how good they'll be. Mindbomb is an amazing AoE stun that you could cast on every single target with enough Priests in your group, but their AoE is virtually nonexistent and their DPS isn't as mobile as Warlocks or Hunters.

4. None of the other ranged classes/specs look very interesting to me. Druid lost its crazy AoE and their single-target DPS isn't super impressive, though with the changes to Balance you can now multibox it much easier. Mage doesn't have anything that's particularly interesting from a multiboxing perspective. Shaman are virtually immobile while casting, plus you have to ground target totems now. Without the SWTOR innovation of "autocast ground targeted spells on my target" I don't see them being better than average.

1. I have to say that once again Death Knights seem to be head and shoulders above the rest. Death Grip solves so many problems, and the AoE of Howling Blast is just stupid good. Even Unholy looks competitive this time around, though all specs still lack any sort of AoE CC.

2. Demon Hunters seem actually doable to me. For mobility, they've got a 15 yard charge on a 15 second cooldown that can be reset through your normal rotation. Additionally, they have Fel Rush on a 10 second cooldown AND an insta-cast AoE 5 second stun. With 8 or more of them, you could chain it pretty effectively to shut down people's offense. Eye Beam and Fel Barrage seem like strong AoE damage, too. I think, overall, you're losing part of the strength of the DH by not being able to individually manage the Fel Rush, but the AoE stun and damage are really enticing.

3. I think the rest of the melee classes kind of fall into the same camp of "I do good damage but I don't have any break-out abilities". None of them have the same mobility tools that DK/DH have, which to me is the first and last problem you have to solve with a melee team. Boxing 15 toons, the thing that held me back always was managing to get as many toons into melee range as possible. In any situation where you're facing a lot of people, you're going to spend a lot of time snared/rooted/stunned unless you have some good AoE CC that doesn't break on damage (DH, Warrior, and Monk all have this, though Monk's is only a 5 yard range vice 8 on the DH and Warrior).

So, those're my thoughts. Since I was unable to get my Bnet split up, I'll be restarting a week or two after Legion launches. I'd love to have some productive back and forth on this topic