Prepare yourself, mortal.

STEP 1: "Hai guys I heard about ISBoxer and I got ISBoxer and it is awesum and I am 4WIN!!1"

This is what you think ISBoxer is:

STEP 2: You run through the basic wizard, and think to yourself, "OMG I am so going to pwn Razorfen Kraul!"


STEP 3: Research.

STEP 4: OVERLOAD ACKNOWLEDGED. Ask questions on forum.


STEP 5: False enlightenment. "Ah HA! So THAT'S what keymaps do..."

STEP 6: Surely this will work much better now. Let's try some questing.

STEP 7: The (chaotic) Calm Before the Storm. I.e. "Hey, that worked! Let's add some other stuff!"

STEP 8: Hmm... Awww yeaaah!

Feels like:

STEP 9: "Looks awesome! Finally! Un'Goro Crater, HERE WE COME!"

"Hey, anyone seen Number Two? Number TWO!? CRAP, WHERE'S THE BACK UP MAPPED KEY !@#$!@#%@$!#^...."

"Damnit. Stupid runaways..."

STEP 10: "OK, time to realize my limitations and Keep It Simple, eStupido."

STEP 11: Realizing that a simple but solid setup is better than a multi-round-robin conditional-spec multi-class mythic dungeon group of DOOM setup that just keeps breaking and getting you killed... Baby steps, bro. Baby steps.

STEPS 12 through 327:

STEP 328: "Hey, how do you guys make money?"

Now, go forth, be humble, experiment, and share your successes!

Good luck!