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Thread: Hunter Pets

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  1. #1

    Default Hunter Pets

    You guys like to use certain pets when you run a hunter group?

    I am thinking of a 3 hunter / 2 druid group so would like to depend on the pets. Maybe gorillas or something with a aoe? Does it make any difference? Its been awhile since I ran hunters...

  2. #2
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    I pick whichever pets fill the buffs needed for the group. Pets all get pretty much the same abilities now (with exceptions like Spirit Mend) so it's much less of a huge decision these days.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  3. #3


    I do basically the same as UMHH. First go for the group buffs I want, then look at utility. For example my mixed group has a serious lack of battle-resses, so I like having a few crane pets to fill the void.

    Sadly (at least in my opinion) pets are now more or less homogeneous. A shame really for hunters overall.

  4. #4


    if you are running BM, you should aim to get the dual buff pets. and have one of them with lust. lust is pretty useful when doing bosses where you HAVE to burn them before they overwhelm you. Loken on HoL Timewalking is an example.

    the druids will have enough Battlerezzes, if you need more than two BRs on a dungeon fight, the DPS you lose when rezzing will make having more rezzes complicate the situation even more.

    and for the skills pet have, they are all useless. any extra agro pets could do with their natural aoe will be made pointless with glyph of missdirection, and if you are BM, the cleave they can do with Multishoot will make any natural skill like thunderstomp useless to the point where you should disable it to save the energy.

    with BM you should get the pet damage lvl100 talent, swich the pets spec to tank, and disable thunderstomp. if you run Marksman, then all tank pets with good offensive buffs. and if you run Survival you should stop... their rotation is a mess to multibox.

    you should ofc have one team of pets for regular use, and one group of tank pets for suicide tanking situations (like rezz tanking the whale shark lol). and one team of all spirit pets.

    getting spirit pets for all hunters is pretty easy, just get the porcupine pets from mop.

  5. #5
    Member JohnGabriel's Avatar
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    Seattle Washington, USA


    I found a nice list of pets/buffs on Wowhead

    But the best list is actually in the comments:
    Hunters guide to WoD raid buffs:

    There are 3 ways to cover all buffs using all BM's exotic pets. Attack Power will always be covered by hunter's passive skill. This leaves 8 buffs left to cover with 5 pets. The most important of buffs for damage beingMultistrike, Versatility, Mastery, and Critical Strike for hunters and most often need to be provided by them.

    •• With the Lone Wolf ability at level 100 (best for MM and SV spec.), hunter's have the flexibility to cover all buffs.

    • Spirit Beasts are the only exotic pet with a Mastery buff.
    • Cats, Hydras, or Plainswalkers are equal substitutes for Spirit Beasts.
    • Rylaks are the only exotic pet with a Haste buff.
    • Sporebats have the only party-wide Haste buff (as opposed to being limited to a 100 yd. range) and are therefore preferred to Hyenas or Wasps.

    1. Without Rylak
    Stats - Shale Spider
    Stam - Silithid
    Spell Pwr - Silithid
    Multi - Clefthoof
    Vers - Clefthoof
    Crit - Shale Spider

    2. With Rylak
    Stats - Worm
    Stam - Rylak
    Spell Pwr - Water Strider
    Multi - Clefthoof
    Vers - Clefthoof / Worm
    Crit - Water Strider

    3. With Corehound
    Stats - Worm
    Stam - Rylak
    Spell Pwr - Water Strider
    Multi - Corehound (Ancient Hysteria)
    Vers - Worm
    Crit - Water Strider

    4. With Quillen
    (Either Stats or Haste will be missing in either version)
    a. Without Haste
    Stats - Worm
    Stam - Silithid
    Spell Pwr - Silithid
    Multi - Corehound (Ancient Hysteria)
    Vers - Worm
    Crit - Quillen (Battle Rez)

    b. Without Stats
    Stam - Rylak
    Spell Pwr - Water Strider
    Multi - Clefthoof
    Vers - Clefthoof
    Crit - Quillen (Battle Rez)

  6. #6


    Hey mate I'm already running this comp 3 x BM Hunters Druid tank and resto druid. It's awesome but yes get the pets with dual buffs currently I have all buffs with only 3 pets. I have one spirit beast (Gara), one core hound for lust and a Rylak.

    Have cleared some bosses in Mythic dungeons with this team it is really good fun.

  7. #7


    Anyone in the Legion Beta, how viable is stacking 3x hunters now that pet buffs are gone?
    Does this bring back better synergy between mixed groups now?

    I'm not in the Legion beta, so I only have videos to watch about it and they don't have a multiboxers perspective.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by BioAndy View Post
    Anyone in the Legion Beta, how viable is stacking 3x hunters now that pet buffs are gone?
    Does this bring back better synergy between mixed groups now?

    I'm not in the Legion beta, so I only have videos to watch about it and they don't have a multiboxers perspective.
    I would imagine it is still fine. Yes, you'll be missing some buffs that other classes might offer, but you still have the most mobile ranged DPS, which is a rather big deal for your overall DPS.

    With the ability prune I would assume it's likely that the difficulty of the gameplay will not, atleast not as much as before, be based on being able to execute your spells effectively (ie: output), but being able to deal with mechanics (movement, add control, etc), and with that in mind Hunters are still looking like a solid choise. At least I can not fathom how hard BM Hunter could possibly be to maximize when they literally have 3* buttons to press, 2 of which are on 7+ second cooldowns.

    * 4 buttons if you spec in to and count Barrage/Crows as a normal rotational spell

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