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    Default Multiboxing Wizards: FlashFire 2.4

    The current meta is all about a strong DPS wizard that spams twisters with 3 supports. Gearing the supports is fairly easy, but the wizard requires some attention. U can always farm T10 until u get what u need, but I rather do GR so I get EXP and also upgrade gems at the same time I get all the ancient pieces I need for my main wizard.

    The following spec is a mixed party with 3 wizards using a variant of the FlashFire spec plus a support Crusader that helps providing Wings of Angels to move thru everything and avoid annoying dsyncs, pull everything towards the explosions and add enough CC to kill packs without problems. It's kind of a lazy build cause u just run around killing stuff pretty fast. Pretty fun build, effortless and very efficient. I do 62s in around 3 mins and 65's in 4-5 mins.

    The build

    Here are the d3planner links:

    All 3 wizards have the same spec but with a different passive. The main uses Elemental Exposure, the other 2 use Cold Blooded and Conflagration instead. With 2.4, it's a lot easier to keep up your 4 Tal's stacks. U just cast all 4 element skills to get the 4 stacks and as long as u have 2 casted (spam Frost Nova + Explosive Blast), u will keep your 4 stacks.

    The FlashFire spec is based on In-Geom to proc with that first elite and then u just rush thru the map for your next elite pack to keep the buff up. Because of the high amount EB explosions, it will trigger your Firebird's DoT and they will either die instantly from EB or die off screen from the DoT. Diamond Skin helps with survivability as well as letting u spam EB when u have the In-Geom buff.

    U can replace the Crusader with a support Barb which will pretty much make u immortal, but u will lose Vacuum which makes it much more efficient. Also the CC the Crusader provides which is very nice. With 70% CDR and towering shield u can spam Shield Glare every 2.5 secs. Makes killing elites and RGs a lot easier.


    Prolly one of the easiest for a mixed party. No need for round robins or complex remaps. To start, just spam 123, left click and right click. That will give u your 4 Tal's stacks. As long as u spam 123, u should keep those for stacks for the whole run. Every now and then, left click to keep your F&R buff. On elites, make sure u pull them all and left + right click. That should keep the pack blinded and debuffed, locked in place for your meteors and EB to finish the job.

    U should one shot trash with EB or let them burning with your Firebird's dot til they die off screen. Just look for elites to keep up your In-Geom buff.

    There are a few consideration here:

    • If u are taking too long to kill elites, drop a few GR levels. U should kill them before they recover from your Crusaders Shield Glare. Same with the RG. If u see its taking too long, moving around a lot, etc., then u should lower the difficulty.
    • This build can be squishy. If there's not much density and u keep dropping your In-Geom buff, u will have no other mitigation source but Magic Weapon Deflection which is not much. As long as u can keep up your In-Geom buff so u have Diamond Skin up all the time, u will be ok. If u are clearing fast, but u feel to squishy and start dying, then just replace Nifur's boots in cube for Aquila Cuirass. I rather use Nifur's cause it really helps killing those elites whenever u dont have In-Geom buff. U can also replace Unwavering Will with Blur.
    • Be careful with Firechains elites. Even with Diamond Skin, if u pull them and u are in a bad spot, they will rape u in seconds. Just wait til u see them being pulled by Condemn Vacuum and then position in a safe spot to use right + left click.
    • U will have Judgement Resolved on your left click. Be sure to time it and aim properly since this skill immobilizes mobs and wont be pulled by your Condemn. So make sure they are pulled first, and then cast Judgement in your position so they get hit by everything u got.
    • Make sure u have In-Geom buff for the RG fight to save time. Once u see u are about to reach 100% progress, just skip trash until u find a pack or a Pylon and kill it so u spawn the RG. Also remember that u need to kill ALL minions of a champion pack in order to proc the buff. Don't pick up the progress gloves before u kill all the minions or u will spawn the RG without the buff.
    • Play with the Oculus Ring. Is not hard to pull mobs to the are and speed up your killing times.

    Here's a quick video of a GR62 in 3 mins:

    It's a fast spec, fun and simple to play. Item's are not hard to get. Prolly the hardest part will be a decent Tal amulet, but that's about it. Wand of WoH can be crafted and doesn't need to be ancient. U can have non ancient gear with ok stats and do 50s and work your way up. U can also use this spec for T10 first and once u have all the needed parts, start doing GRs. With this I've gathered all ancient parts for my DMO wizards in a matter of days and upgrade a lot of gems to 54, not to mention going from Paragon 950 to almost 1000.

    I can push 70's but it will require dropping In-Geom for The Furnace, changing Diamond Skin for Blackhole + Slow Time and Nifur boots for Aquila Cuirass cause elites will take much more time to kill. Also all augmented gear since this build is not really for pushing. It's very good for this low/mid difficulties, not the case for high GR.
    Last edited by Devile : 02-27-2016 at 12:10 PM

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