Just wanted to say hi guys. I use to live on this site when I wasn't boxing during WOTLK lol. Quit WOW when Cata came out and started playing again at the end of MoP solo. Been having a blast and leveled up 8 level 100's. Slowly over the months I've been upgrading my old accounts and reactivating them. One more to go before I have a full team of 5 again.

Let me say I feel like a noob that just washed up on a deserted island. I need to relearn so much...

How are people doing things now? I remember one reason I left was the macros became very unboxer friendly in the Cata revamp. I have ISboxer of course!

I'm also having some strange problems as well. In ISboxer my repeater regions won't work from my main window but work fine from the slave windows. So I just placed my lead in a slave position and running from there. But would be nice to get it working right.

Anyway great to be back!