Hey guys,

I just decided to get back into WoW, but not just WoW in general, in multiboxing!
I have made 5 druids, balance ones offcourse and decided to hit the battlegrounds with them!

Here's a few end results of my 5 druid combo!

The only thing i've been running into is that sometimes my druid's no longer cast damage spells (or dont use assist?)
I have macro's that use /assist Eligiuz /cast Moonfire. However, sometimes I have to /reload several clients to get that sorted out, anyone any idea on that matter?


I thought this screenshot was cool because all the toons are under eachother.

And here's my best score so far, got wrecking ball on the druids here.
And yes, that is a total amount of 500 kills added to my 250.000 achievement. (10k to go! )