Hello all
Old WoW player here, 2008 or so when i gave it up and recently looking to get back into it with 1 non multiboxing friend
Have multiboxed Rift a little so i am familiar with the party, assist, follow and interact, and i understand a full 5 setup of the same class would be less of a PITA to deal with.
Regardless of this I have some questions regarding a mixed class team
Will be looking to create a party of 5 mixed class team, since this is what i would like to bring to the late game and am not sure whether a 5 complete team would be able to farm content (i say content because i expect the game has changed alot since i last played, also not familiar with how the leveling has changed, when i used to play it took longer than the information i gathered from searches)

With RAF can i complete a chain by making 5 BN accounts, RAFing them in order 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-1. And then purchasing game time across the accounts?
Will this complete the chain and receive RAF bonuses to each character?

Also is it better to have all game accounts linked to a single BN or spread out? Specifically regarding heirlooms, etc.

I intend to enjoy leveling (as from memory that content was enjoyable) and am in no rush to get to max level, but a question on team composition for when i get there.
Would a trinity team, of Paladin, Priest and either 3x dps or mix of dps and supporting classes (warlock/druid?) work for the instance content even at late game? or would i require more than 1 healer?
I.e. Will tank, healer, 3x dps work? or do i need more of a mix for instances.

I heard some while ago that the PVP instances have changed to disable following, does this mean it is impractical to use a team for pvp at all? Or has this only been for specific PVP instances

Thank you