I am trying to 5-box on a laptop.

i7 CPU 2.3 GHz I7-4712MQ
NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
Windows 8.1
Hybrid hdd

CPU is at 15% when I run 5 wow, put energy mode to performance.
RAM is using 80% for 5 wow, ~65% with 3 wow.
Both of ssd and normal part of hdd is at 0%.

When I run around and stuff it works fine. (for some reason fps is stuck at 23 tho, I put limit at 30 fps and it never move above or below 23)
But when I press any ability repeatedly I get massive lag. It is not noticeable if I press a ability once and let it use the spell, just when I press the button over and over again.
So the lag isn't for graphical reasons (not for casting the spell or anything like that).

Trying to turn the camera while spamming buttons causes it to jump quickly to another position so it suddenly face sky or floor.
Trying to run when spamming button made me turn into a direction I didnt want to and I could barely move forward.
Attacking works fine when spamming button, it doesnt like freeze the game, just makes it really messy. Although it did queue up spells for a few seconds so if I spammed wrath and stopped to cast moonfire it kept casting another 1 or 2 wrath longer than I intended.

Also tried changing so I had only 3 wow running instead of 5 and it still lagged badly when I spammed buttons. Changed to 2 wow and it stopped lagging.

I don't think spamming IWT made it lag, just using macros.
If I spammed a button like Wrath without having a target it also still lagged.
Macros are normal FTL macros, idk if those can be related to the problem.

It doesn't seem to be related to CPU or RAM since it isn't using it all especially with 3 wow running and I really cant think it is related to GPU either.
Any idea where the problem is?