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  1. #1

    Default Greater Rift Key Stone Rank

    When doing the trial to get the grift key stone, I usually end up with a too high level key stone. Is there any trick to getting the grift key you want?
    I mean, I just got 39 and 41 and while I managed 39 (with like 1 min to spare), it was slow and definitely not a speed farm run for me. Going to try 41 now, which will probably be hell

  2. #2


    I would like to know this as well. The only "trick" I use is farm keys with different classes. For example my DHs can get higher keys in less waves and they happen to hit 35 keys on the wave 6 or 7, all the time, 40+ on next wave. So if I want 35s, I do trials with them and leave at whatever wave needed. Barbs get 38s more consistent, so if I need those, I just switch classes.

    They only other thing I can think of is removing some DPS, using other skills so u do less damage. Trials are such a boring part of the game and the whole concept is just stupid. Do bounties to get Rift Fragments, then regular Rifts to get trial keys and then trials to get GR keys. Who was the "genius" who designed such a stupid mechanic????????

    Anyway, just remember to use the key switching trick or whatever is called so u dont use them too fast. A lot of multiboxers don't know what it is or how to do it and they waste a ton of time with trials. It's a huge difference and completely legal. Instead of doing 10 trials for 10 GR runs u do like 37 runs i think with the same 10 keys.

  3. #3


    huh???? what key switching trick? i guess i'm one of those who don't know about it

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Pazgaz View Post
    huh???? what key switching trick? i guess i'm one of those who don't know about it
    It took me a while to understand the "trick" cause everyone trying to explain it did a bad job doing it, even on video, so this is how it is for a multiboxer:

    1. Lets say you have 0 GR keys and 10 trial keys.
    2. Do those 10 trials with your 4 farming accounts in the same party. Lets say u end up with 10 GR35 keys on each farming char.
    3. Leave char1 with those 10 keys in it's inventory.
    4. Move 9 keys from the other farming chars to their stashes, switch to another character (a mule) and move the keys to their inventory so whenever u go back to your farming char, those keys are not available. Basically u hide the keys from your farming char. Some ppl sell the trial keys, but I rather store them in a mule char.
    5. Switch back those 3 chars to the farming chars.
    6. Now you have 10 GR35 in farming char1 and 1 GR35 on each of 3 farming chars. The other 9 GR35 are hidden in char2-4 mules.
    7. Just do your 10 GR35 and at the end always upgrade your keys, dont upgrade gems.
    8. Lets say every time u upgrade a GR key, u get a 40.
    9. Since the other 3 chars dont have more 35 keys and just a single GR40 key, the game will use that instead. Basically u will use the same key 40 for all those 10 runs. Only char1 will consume 35 keys while the others will upgrade and reuse that 40.
    10. Once char1 runs out of 35 keys, switch farming char2 to its mule, move the 35 keys to stash and use them on your farming char.
    11. Repeat the process for each char until u run out of 35s in all accounts. That should give u around 37 runs in total for the 10 trials.

    That way u do more than 10 GR runs with just 10 trials.
    Last edited by Devile : 05-06-2015 at 01:17 PM

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    You have a higher level key on 3 other toons(say 50) and sell all the other keys/hide them on other characters. Then the main goes and starts the lvl 40 grift and since the others only have a key above the rank your doing it will use that one. Main upgrades gems(making sure it keeps 1 for rerolling) and then change the toon who is creating the grift(buy back key from vendor on that toon)

  6. #6


    I like this, it's obviously an unintended exploit but Grifts seem to be the fastest method to level / get loot because of how dense the maps are. Can complete so much faster.
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  7. #7


    I don't see it as a exploit at all cause the game was designed that way, otherwise imagine the nightmare it will be for multiplayer GR. U can't party with someone unless u do a trial first or have that specific key everyone else has. They added this feature so u could use the next higher GR key and be able to play with others. I never liked the phrase "clever use of game mechanics" but in this case it actually is.
    Last edited by Devile : 05-06-2015 at 02:53 PM

  8. #8


    I can go with that logic.
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  9. #9


    This "mechanic" has been a god send. In this Era, I have totally skipped T6 runs since GR's are just better in every way for me (increased exp and all loot in one spot). I'll usually knock out 30 Trials at a time and run GR35-40 until I drop LOL.

  10. #10


    Same here. Back to back GR35-40 until I fall sleep

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