as title said, what hardware do you guy use to run it?

i'm currently running an overclocked intel core i7-2600k went from 3,4 ghz to 4,2 and a GeForce GTX 680 + 8 gb of ram. i get about 10-12 fps whenever i fight an elite or horde of enemies.This was not the case while lvling but facing frozen arcane beam horde in a rift seems to make my computer struggle. the overclocking i did on the CPU helped a bit it went from Diablo III freezing to me seeing what is going on during the fights. However it still takes about 2-3 seconds from me pressing the button for something to happen. so i guess its time for me to upgrade my hardware. so my question is what do you guys recommend and/or use for multiboxing 4x class?

im currently running 4x sader with fist of heavens. tried playing army doctor but it was the same thing really and i was so sad every time the rift map was tiny and the pets bottlenecked so i had to make a switch