Sooo, anyone else following this game? I have been keeping an eye on it for a few years. It made some very ambitious claims as to what it would be and i have long given up on dev promises. Well i spent the last few days watching hours of videos etc.. And it is shaping up to be somthing words cant describe.. simply amazing game, and its in "pre-alpha"

Now, as far as multiboxing, not sure if its even possible. Maybe some of you Eve junkies might have an idea about that. I do know that you can own more than one account ( hangar as its called in the game, if i understand it correctly ) And can invite friends to play one of you characters...not sure how it all works yet, but i will be looking into it. On a panel it was mentioned that you could have all your characters on one ship and that you could control any one of them ( only one at a time ) and have the other act as NPCs or be controlled by a friend.

I pledged and have a feeling it will be getting a lot more of my hard earned cash in the future!