So heya, peeps!

I decided to record a lot of my (often disastrous) attempts to farm broken bones from unsuspecting alliance to gear my 5x Boomkins. Had a lot of fun during the process and decided to throw some of the clips together for a short video.

Nothing fancy, just AOE slaughter and insta-casting, as you do with boomkins...

I play on Outland (EU), which is pretty much as lopsided as realms come as far as faction population goes in favor of the Alliance. Thankfully, I have some major back up from Rizzey (40-boxer, "only" running 30 for the time being) and we've had a good laugh running around, killing and getting killed. At the time of recording we were both lacking in gear (think Rizzey had toons with about 120k health) so sadly we didn't get too far in Stormshield. Plus, the lag there is pretty unreal.

In any case, don't take it too seriously, and enjoy.

Also: Woot, Youtube didn't take it down (yet).