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Thread: Resto Shams?

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  1. #1

    Default Resto Shams?

    I have a question about multiboxing resto shams when your team is 10+. I can't seem to figure out how you would do it. Since there's no way to change targets during a castsequence macro, their chain heal is virtually useless, especially if you're moving around a lot. The totems are great, but not if you're moving at all, plus they have fairly high CD's. Yes, they do have Link, but if that's their only good ability for multiboxing, I would rather box priests or monks than shamans. I know Prepared uses 5 shamans now and he said they're really good, but I can't seem to figure out how.


  2. #2


    Chain heal was usually my standard heal because I ran a melee team.

    For healing -

    Use a video feed in ISBoxer or mouse broadcasting in HotKeyNet.

    Use separate buttons for healing.

    For Totems -

    The Astral Projection talent allows you to move your totem every 10 seconds.

    Very few totems have severely limited range. Most have been bumped up to 40yards.

    Many totems are now situational, thus the high cooldowns.

    In general, if you don't want to play a class, why play it?
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

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  3. #3


    Yes, chain heal is good, but what if I'm moving a lot? Chain heal can't be used while running. I know I can stop moving once and a while to heal, but that seems like a waste of time.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Plainx View Post
    I know I can stop moving once and a while to heal, but that seems like a waste of time.
    What is the expectation exactly?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Plainx View Post
    Yes, chain heal is good, but what if I'm moving a lot? Chain heal can't be used while running. I know I can stop moving once and a while to heal, but that seems like a waste of time.
    A lot of heals can't be used while running, it's not just Shaman heals. If you need on the move healing, you have Riptide, Ancestral Swiftness, Spiritwalker's Grace, Healing Tide/Stream Totem, Unleash Elements and Earth Shield. Every class also has at least one means of self-perservation that you should also be making use of to reduce the need for healing.

    It sounds like you're expecting multiboxing to be a lot of facerolling - there's a lot of work, setup, practice and gear involved in making it look easy. "Look" being the keyword. There's a lot more hair-pulling, keyboard-throwing, gremlin-squashing and carpel tunnel involved than most YouTube videos tend to show.
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Khatovar View Post
    It sounds like you're expecting multiboxing to be a lot of facerolling - there's a lot of work, setup, practice and gear involved in making it look easy. "Look" being the keyword. There's a lot more hair-pulling, keyboard-throwing, gremlin-squashing and carpel tunnel involved than most YouTube videos tend to show.
    Oh sooo true lol :P

  7. #7
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by Khatovar View Post
    A lot of heals can't be used while running, it's not just Shaman heals. If you need on the move healing, you have Riptide, Ancestral Swiftness, Spiritwalker's Grace, Healing Tide/Stream Totem, Unleash Elements and Earth Shield. Every class also has at least one means of self-perservation that you should also be making use of to reduce the need for healing.

    It sounds like you're expecting multiboxing to be a lot of facerolling - there's a lot of work, setup, practice and gear involved in making it look easy. "Look" being the keyword. There's a lot more hair-pulling, keyboard-throwing, gremlin-squashing and carpel tunnel involved than most YouTube videos tend to show.
    Hard to top that post. I'll just add that multiboxing in a nut-shell is kinda like this when you start out:
    Name:  YoungFrankensteinMultiboxing.jpg
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