Quote Originally Posted by LordsServant View Post
I definitely agree with this, and it's near the top of my personal "questions to ask CCP" list.
I'd hope they have enough of a pulse on their game to notice the fact that the uninformed masses are sperging about "isoboxer bannable next year." They definitely need to either do a VERY public "isboxer is not a bannable offense, only input duplication" notification to people, or be prepared to wade through likely thousands of petitions of "i saw this guy with 3 characters all named the same HE MUST BE USING ISOBOXOR BAN HIM NAO CCP GO GIT IM!!!!!1111"
Unless they're prepared, this will be an issue, either for CCP, or for us.
Additionally, ask them for their reasoning as to why ISBoxer is the cause of players leaving, and not CODE or the (admittedly reduced) high bar to SOV ownership or any of the other things in EVE.

As for "having a pulse" on the game, I present CODE and the fact that they cause more people to quit than anything else.