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  1. #1

    Default Thinking of returning to boxing - some questions for htose of you doing it

    * What classes have the most synergy? This used to be Shaman's with crazy Totems, but Totems seemed changed drastically since WotLK.
    * I used to do Heroics, where I would have various spread out macros, or move my Clones with the arrow keys, while click healing and pretty much mashing one key that tanked and DPS'd. Is this still how instances are done?
    * A lot of the hybrid classes seem to have their heals taken away, ie Elemental does not have chain heals anymore from what I can see. Are there any DPS classes tha can provide some 'oh shit!' group healing/self healing as Ele used to do with 4x Chain Heal?
    * So far I've leveled a BM Hunter solo to 100 and really really enjoy it. I was wondering if there was any validity in doing something like 5x BM Hunters or 5x Demo Warlock and still doing instances?
    * Has anyone done World PVP in Ashran as a Boxer yet? I know /follow got killed inBG's which is super sad but wondering who this experience is as a Boxer?

    My experience in the past was Pally and 4x Shamans, but this was back in WotLK, early Cataclysm. I don't really like the Combo Point System that Pallies have now and Shaman just seems rather lackluster and unenjoyable.
    Last edited by Slats : 11-20-2014 at 11:25 PM

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