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  1. #1

    Default Incursion VGs nestor fit

    so someone said today in oatmeal ( public channel for VENIO. and hangout for multiboxers ) that he knew someone who had run incursions using harbingers and a single nestor, i'd like to know how one would run VGs with a single logi ship if anyone here wants to share. I know that you can run VGs with a single basi if you have like 12 nightmares because they just blap everything before any damage is taken but with harbingers running NCOs i'd think that you would have to have 2 logis since you dont have the super dps and alpha of nightmares.

  2. #2


    4 reps are enough to keep alive on Vgs, so long you are doing some pew pew... still, you need two logis only because someone has to rep the logi if it gets agro.

    using one logi can be done by tinker tanking. since the logi is cap feed, and RRed by the other ships, you can afford to use only one. (BCs Have a spare high)

    i know of a 5 boxer who's doing it on scouts using meta fitted phropecies + guardian. he just drops drones, assigns to guardian, and uses the guardian as lead. the guardian has over 200 sensor so it can't get jammed. (well, it can, but its about 0.3% chance per jam cycle) for reps and feed all you need is small A-Types, those are dirt cheap.

    and in case you haven't tried them, scouts are no joke. and for a newbro 5 boxer they pay pretty well.

    btw, if he were using t1 battleship hulls instead of t1 BCs, i don't think he could do what he's doing. BCs take about -40% damage from rats thanks to their signature alone. battleships would bleed and die unless pimped.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by CMKCot View Post
    4 reps are enough to keep alive on Vgs, so long you are doing some pew pew... still, you need two logis only because someone has to rep the logi if it gets agro.

    using one logi can be done by tinker tanking. since the logi is cap feed, and RRed by the other ships, you can afford to use only one. (BCs Have a spare high)

    i know of a 5 boxer who's doing it on scouts using meta fitted phropecies + guardian. he just drops drones, assigns to guardian, and uses the guardian as lead. the guardian has over 200 sensor so it can't get jammed. (well, it can, but its about 0.3% chance per jam cycle) for reps and feed all you need is small A-Types, those are dirt cheap.

    and in case you haven't tried them, scouts are no joke. and for a newbro 5 boxer they pay pretty well.

    btw, if he were using t1 battleship hulls instead of t1 BCs, i don't think he could do what he's doing. BCs take about -40% damage from rats thanks to their signature alone. battleships would bleed and die unless pimped.
    I think I may have read that conversation in oatmeal and he used navy harbs with one guardian. I looked at the comparison for navy harbs and their HP is almost equivalent to a navy apoc. HP not number of slots. Granted the navy harb cannot hit out as far as the navy apoc and does less alpha because of low slots used for tank rather than damage mods. I played around with EFT trying to figure it out but it still couldn't compare to the Navy Apoc for a starting dps ship for VGs.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by K'man View Post
    I think I may have read that conversation in oatmeal and he used navy harbs with one guardian. I looked at the comparison for navy harbs and their HP is almost equivalent to a navy apoc. HP not number of slots. Granted the navy harb cannot hit out as far as the navy apoc and does less alpha because of low slots used for tank rather than damage mods. I played around with EFT trying to figure it out but it still couldn't compare to the Navy Apoc for a starting dps ship for VGs.
    tracking and specially gun signature also have a strong effect on actual dps.

    on paper the harbi deals a bit less than half the damage a battleship does, but it applies it so well it will out dps a battleship at the same SP.

    the difference is the alpha, due to contest mechanics there's a good chance the battleship will win a contest because with a fast lock, and their projection, they will blap some of the frigs before they get on orbit. sadly contests don't count damage taken by the sansha ships, they count the damage DEALT to them. so if multiple ships blap the same target on the same server cycle, all the damage dealt by each ship will count for the contest. (probably one of the shittiest and most unfair mechanics on the entire game, and THE main reason boxed fleets win so many contests)

    now, if hes doing NCOs only, then he doesn't need to worry about contests once his SP is high enough. battleships lose all their advantages on NCOs. and over 90% of the targets on the NCO will be of around 40 signature, bad targets for battleships, even under 90% webs.

    i never ran the numbers on Nharbis, but afaik Scorch pulses can get to 1.2+ tracking with two TCs on that hull, with two Locus rigs that means he can apply 100% of his damage on new spawns, and about 80% on low orbit, where battleships need their webs.... so all he has to do is lock up, shoot 4 targets at the same time and never lose a contest ever again.

    anywhere else, mining sites or OTAs, the battleships will get a big edge on damage, due to projection.

    regardless of contests, at the end of the day, due to warp speed, align speed, lock speed, ammo cost and self insurance costs the 125signature fleet will win. so for a new player, Nharbis sound like a good choice, the only thing Napocs have going for them is having a beter tank, even if they take more damage, they alow for a more laid back Logistics wing.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Alzuule View Post
    so someone said today in oatmeal ( public channel for VENIO. and hangout for multiboxers ) that he knew someone who had run incursions using harbingers and a single nestor, i'd like to know how one would run VGs with a single logi ship if anyone here wants to share. I know that you can run VGs with a single basi if you have like 12 nightmares because they just blap everything before any damage is taken but with harbingers running NCOs i'd think that you would have to have 2 logis since you dont have the super dps and alpha of nightmares.
    I wouldn't recommend solo logi for any turret based vg setup. The only way I see that working is with spider tanking. And spider tanking is a huge micro management pain. My suggestions if you're looking for a unique setup or a way to roll more dps with less logi:
    1. spider tanking with drone boats (what I'm training for now)
    2. bastion marauder local rep
    3. running multiple heavier logi/drone boats like well tanked nestors
    4. local rep speed/sig tanks (something I'm still theory crafting)

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