
Jamba Version:
WoW Game Version: 6.0.3
Release Date: 26th January 2015
Modules: AdvancedLoot, Core, Display-Team, Follow, FTL, ItemUse, Macro, Proc, Purchase, Quest, Sell, Talk, Target, Taxi, Toon, Trade
1st release by Ebony.
No longer should add -realmname when adding team names to the team list. This is going to help with ISBoxerboxer addon that adds character-realmname
will not help if already have character-reamname and you may need to reset the pofile still, But they should no longer keep getting added by ISBoxer. Idea from Lax
Added a button to add party members to the team under on the GUI team display so you don't have to use the the command line. ( I did not even know this was there.)
Known Issues
* The functions on the quest log bar (abandon all, share all, etc) may no longer work properly.
* Select best quest reward may no longer work properly.

PS: don't ask about the version numbers (i made a mass off git)