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  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Mosg2 View Post
    Lords calling SSC pussies; Noted.
    watcha gonna do about it?

    to be fair afaik ssc only had lke 10-12 people online that i could see at the time apart from tankys 11 ventures so maybe you just didnt have the numbers.

  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Mosg2 View Post
    Lords calling SSC pussies; Noted.
    I thought this was mostly clear, but I'll say it again.

    There's two people I respect in the entirety of SSC.

    It shouldn't be hard to guess who those two are.

    Rest of SSC is p. much blobby trash from most of what I've seen with very few rare exceptions.

    The ADHC eviction greatly increased my respect for them, but that was all rapidly removed the other day.

    What I received:

    -Smack in local
    -Smack in public channel
    -A retard trying to shoot my vulture with garde IIs from 100 km away (protip, gardes don't hit that far)
    -Noone daring to come within 50km of me for over an hour while I waited for a fight with fleet ON THE HOLE.

    What I didn't receive

    -A fight
    -An explanation
    -A "hold on we lack numbers, we're forming"

    They just had a fight literally 5 minutes before we formed up, so there is no excuse that noone had pvp ships or you weren't formed up.

    As one pvp group to another, you typically give an explanation "hey we don't have the numbers right now, give us 45m to ping for a few more," or a "hey our guys are tired and we don't have the stuff to fight you atm, maybe next time."

    Smacking in local and keeping a group waiting/expecting a fight for over an hour is reminiscent of hisec wardec pubbies and similar trash, not a wspace pvp entity.

    Next time we connect, I expect a prompt response to whether or not we can get a fight. You can expect the same from VENIO, always.

  3. #93


    Not to mention they then got annoyed when we rolled the hole, so we could get on with other things.
    EVE IG : vampire Huunuras

  4. #94


    So, crosspoast of BR.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordsServant View Post

    We had a scout down the chain (not gonna name said scout) who mentioned that hostiles had a couple caps, an armor t3 fleet, and NOT in a POS. Also, everything was reinforced.

    Said scout also had no prop mod on their covops, and nearly died to sabre when jumping into said hole, it would take 2 more attempts to get into said hole with scout (and then sabre came within 1k of decloaking anyhoo).

    We formed up a pretty solid fleet, bunch of gilas (with proper and slightly improved fit), 2x tengu, 2x basi (we were low on rep #s for engaging caps), vulture, etc etc.

    We move down the chain, and we figure I'll bait them out with just the 2 basi, vulture, and my gilas. Rest of fleet holds 1 jump out.

    I tell our scout to drop combats as I jump my gilas in.....and watch the WH collapse.


    Turns out, said WH was crit, and I just jumped 7 gilas in with absolutely zero support.


    Sabre bubbles up, and I immediately drop drones and try to pop it while slowly moving out of the bubbles.

    Armor t3s start landing, and despite having no trigger, my planning for manual control comes into action.

    Blap, 1b isk t3 down.

    I go to start hitting other stuff, but gilas begin dying due to no reps or bonuses, and their caps begin landing, meaning I kill nothing else.

    I manage to save a pod and 1 gila as the bubble goes down briefly.



    So, always check your WH states kids, even if you assume the scout would notice and tell you long before you actually form up a fleet and go burning down the chain :P

  5. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by corbexx
    Below you will find a list of idea's I'd like to see added to help encourage people. I've gone through a few steps to get here. So feel free to comment. I'd rather people be constructive. if you don't like them or disagree thats fine but say why and explain it.

    Numbers and stuff aren't final, so please don't get in to a huge long thread of questioning tiny details. Should any of this happen it would be altered mostly by CCP.

    I've also removed a couple things that have already been done (increase isk in C1 to C2 due to blue books)

    Mini escalations

    These would be added to C1 to C4 along with different ways to trigger them.

    C4 Bringing 6+ cruisers/battlecruisers, or 4+ battleships (including t2 versions) or a capital would trigger the mini escalation of 2 sleeper guardians adding approximately 50m to the site.

    C3 Bringing 6+ cruisers/battlecruisers (or t2 versions), or 4+ battleships (including t2 versions) or a capital would trigger the mini escalation of 1 sleeper guardians adding approximately 25m to the site.

    C2 Bringing 4+ cruisers/battlecruisers (or t2 versions), or 3+ battleships (including t2 versions) or a capital would trigger the mini escalation of 2 sleeper defender adding approximately 12m to the site. (I think)

    C1 Bringing 3+ cruisers/battlecruisers (or t2 versions), or 2+ battleships (including t2 versions) or a capital would trigger the mini escalation of 1 sleeper defender adding approximately 6m to the site. (I think)

    These could be done twice (same as C5 and C6 escalations) by bringing either double of one type or two different ones.

    Faction sleeper spawns (commanders)

    These would have a chance to appear whenever a mini escalation or normal escalation is done. With the sleeper commanders increasing in difficulty from C1 to C6. Or as a seperate new combat site that could be scanned down (in which case there would be a sleeper commander and a body guard with him and be similar to a burner mission).

    C1 being less difficult than a sleeper guardian up to maybe a sleeper capital in C5 or C6

    They would drop a small amount of blue books but potentially either sleeper faction mods or sleeper faction bpc, The bpc would be made using sleeper salvage (I’m in favour of bpc’s as it would help increase the value of sleeper salvage)

    The modules would have similar stats to a faction items but with a bonus they take less heat damage. (I know people have already ummed and arred over this already, its a concept again don't worry about details)

    C5 and C6 Capital escalations.

    After alot of chatting discussing several ideas came up, please feel free to discuss thesein a civil and constructive manner.

    1 [:arrow:] Lower the capital escalations in C5 to 2 waves of 6 sleeper guardians, and C6 to 2 waves of 9. Then adding a can at the end of the site, that appears when all the none capital escalation waves are cleared (sleeper store house, what ever) that can be salvaged for approx 350m in blue books and salvage.

    This would lower the reliance on capital escalations and encourage people in to there static to farm these sites.

    2 [:arrow:] Make the capital escalation waves spawn in random points around the site and remove 1 sleeper guardian from each capital escalation and replace it with 3 cruisers and 4 frigates( numbers could be increased or decreased), that orbit at 30km and point.

    This would mean smart bombing all waves and warping to where the capital escalation spawn would be alot harder and that you would potentially need sub capital support.

    Odds and sods

    lower the m3 of the lower end gas.

    Add the gases from k space used to make drugs to w-space, with the parts needed to make them added by system effect, this won't be possible in all cases since there is more drugs types than system effects, and not all fit innicely. But as a example the gasses for mindflood (cap regen) would be found in pulsars and x-instinct (signiture radius) in wolf rayets.

    Different from cap and mini escalations. Having a small chance that on completing a combat site you get a mission pop up in your journal telling you about a radio transmission (or something) and a bookmark leading to a slightly harder site (1 wormhole class higher) so in a c2 you would get a c3 site. This would alot people to potentially try different sites.

    Literally double our income AND THEN SOME for static running of c5s.

    Get shrekt incursion runners - we'll now pull literally 2-3x your income.

    3-4b/hour ftw!

    If even half these changes go thru, we're gonna have TONS of income, and TONS of targets for us to pew right on our front door. )))))
    Last edited by LordsServant : 11-11-2014 at 05:33 PM Reason: Fixed Link

  6. #96

  7. #97


    I get a 404 on the link.

    The content looks awesome though

  8. #98


    Bane successfully baited someone out ->

    Had two separate groups roll through. First group had a Bhaalgorn and Curse, but after combat probing Bane for 5 minutes they pulled back. Must have smelled the bait.

    Twenty minutes later, a second group came through with an Astero that popped through the C2 I was sitting on. It immediately popped core probes, scanned for a few minutes, and then must have noticed the Paladin with a field of wrecks. A few minutes pass as I bounce around holes before diving into the C2 that I saw the Astero come through. After ~5 minutes of waiting a Deimos, Geddon, Devoter, Drake(can I bring my drake?) pop on dscan. Everything lands, 15 seconds later they jump through the C3.

    Bane calls them on short scan and we jump our 20 pilot gila/vni/support hammer. ~10s later we squad warp to Bane, the other fleet lands first and bubbles up but we're already in warp. They start pounding the bait paladin, we land, our bubble goes up, drone swarm pops out, and we proceed to wreck the Deimos, Drake, and Geddon in ~90 seconds. The Devoter managed to burn out of the bubble(we need tackle bad) and escape.

    [18:56:28] Desenor > oh well
    [18:56:32] Bane Andven > gf
    [18:56:44] boge > gfgf
    [18:57:14] Alex Quantum > gf
    [18:57:17] Loki106 > gf
    [18:57:19] Desenor > gf

    We had more pilots in our fleet than they had pilots in their corp, so there wasn't much risk. Good practice though and a nice morale boost. Still wish the Bhaalgorn had snapped, it might have brought a more shiny fleet o/

  9. #99


    sounds like yall have plenty of fun.
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by EaTCarbS View Post
    sounds like yall have plenty of fun.
    We are!

    Crosspoasting part of a BR/Update I wrote on FHC.

    Slight update - we've recruited a bunch of singleboxer folks, so we've been able to actually tackle a few things(we still need MOAR TACKLE and UTILITY tho)

    Something people should note - if someone in VENIO is pveing or hauling, and you think you've got the jump on them, - you don't. It's probably us baiting you.

    Unfortunately, we encounter a lot of really stupid people, so out of the 4+ (I don't even remember) times we've tried to bait folks out, only a few have been successful.

    This is one of them, crosspoasting a BR written by one of my members:

    (insert the BR in post above here on dual-boxing)

    Later on that night, I had been chilling a bit, and was p. drunk. I had been working on coding a few assignments for college, and decided I needed a break. A friend invited me to smoke, so I headed out to do that.

    I returned to a ton of pings - apparently Bane was still thirsty for more blood and had been trawling around our chain (seriously, our c4 is where it's at, we get double the chain other groups get, and we get some pretty awesome coverage when we probe a lot, iirc we had 30+ systems in chain the other day). In one of the c3 in chain, apparently some scrub was running sites in a vargur. Yes, a vargur for c3 sites (lol).

    It was pretty late for us, so noone else was really active except for me and him. Unfortunately for the vargur pilot, this didn't mean anything due to the concentrated nature of VENIO.

    I quickly logged in most of my chars, and formed 2 basi + vulture + 8 gilas. Bane watched the Vargur until he went into Bastion, and I jumped and warped to him. Once I landed, I immediately dropped drones and began to engage him.

    Bane fired a shot or two to ensure he got on the KM, and burned back to our hole to pick up a doctrine Bhaalgorn he'd been itching to use. It appeared that I was slowly breaking the Vargur, but his smartbombs (it would later turn out that he had double faction large smartbombs) were oh so slowly grinding thru my first set of drones.

    I figured rather than bashing thru that and potentially losing a set or two of drones (Gilas carry 5 sets, so it really wouldn't make any difference to the outcome anyhoo) while killing him, I'd just wait for the Bhaalgorn to land. I did blap a named mobile depot he tried dropping.

    While I was waiting for the Bhaalgorn to come, Blue-Fire warped in a Falcon 100km off. It tried in vain to jam my info-linked ships, and was forced to warp off as my drones got in range (8 gilas worth of drone alpha ain't nothin to sneeze at).

    The bhaalgorn got into system and warped to me to begin neuting out the Vargur. As he hit grid, so did what appeared to be a Blue-Fire armor ECMgu at 100.

    I was sorta surprised by this - Blue-Fire can't punch anywhere near VENIO's weight class, and with us fielding more pilots on grid than they usually pull at peak TZ, I wasn't expecting them to try anything.
    My suspicions proved correct, as dscan revealed nothing else. Drones pushed tengu into hull as he warped off, barely avoiding death. The bhaalgorn 1 cycled the vargurs cap, and he died 10 seconds later to my gilas.

    ~2.3b down, tho we got jewed hard by the loot fairy.

    Still looking for more singleboxers and pilots interested in flying Bhaalgorns, Lokis, Tengus, and other assorted high end ships.

    Join us ingame in my channel "Oatmeal".

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